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Seriously guys, thank you all for the amazing response to Episode One! It has been overwhelming to see the response we’re getting in our itch.io and Tumblr.

We are thrilled to start this journey with you, and we hope you’ll stick with us for the next episodes, because we promise you there’s a lot in store for all your Travelers. 

Here goes a series of items we want to approach with you before anything else!

We’ll be working on a FAQ page for our blog to answer some of the questions we received multiple times today (i.e. how many episodes, time between releases...), so stay tuned because it’ll most likely be up tomorrow!

We’re also open for LI asks, so feel free to ask ahead! Of course we won’t be answering anything spoiler-y, but we’ll work our way around that :)

Episode 2 is already hard at work! We have over half of the script done, base CGs are drawn and coding is moving much faster this time, so stay tuned for a date on it on the upcoming weeks!

And speaking of Episode 2, we’ll start sharing sneak peeks for it here on our this week, as well as sharing the art processes we had for Episode 1, and the full lore for all races (Tilaari coming soon!). As well as exclusive stories on the 6 LIs regarding the first time they meet Traveler. So be sure to keep an eye out and let your friends know if you’re interested in more exclusive content for A6!

Our game will remain being free through all episodes, but if you’d like to support our devs, any donations to our project are extremely appreciated. Thank you SO MUCH for everyone who donated and subscribed to our Patreon so far, any support is valid, and we’re grateful for all you do!

Stay tuned for the future updates for A6, because this space ship has launched ;)

itch.io | Tumblr

And here goes a family picture of our crew on episode one ♥


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