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Eons ago, the small planet of Kitalpha, the fourth furthest from the Sun, Calias X, was thriving. A vast majority of its surface was covered in water, great lakes and oceans brimming with extensive eco-systems of bright and lively fauna and flora. The inhabitants of the planet, Kitalphans, bore an acute resemblance to humans, yet possessed a mind made for science.

Over centuries, the Kitalphan populous grew exponentially, gifted with the amazing quality of life their planet provided and their scientific discoveries, further improving their living. But as the species thrived, the land made available to live upon was rapidly risking overpopulating, and thus an idea was brought to life: what if they were to live underwater?

The questions were countless, but their brilliant minds were hard at work, desperate to find a solution. They were a kind people, yet they were proud, refusing to abandon their home planet to seek refuge elsewhere, be it within the inner or outer circle of the System. Their ideas and inventions were met with prestige from their neighboring planets, ranging from water purifying processes to oxygen masks adapted by Goldis’ army, and the Kitalphan influence over the scientific development of Seleota became one of great renown.

Years passed, and with no small amount of labor they achieved their goal. A substance was created, allowing them to breathe and live underwater. A small part of the population voluntarily migrated to the water, creating a whole submerged civilization beneath its depths. Over the centuries, the humanoid race slowly but surely adapted to their watery environment in more ways than one, being born with thin gills on their necks, dismissing the use of the substance to be able to breath underwater altogether.

The gills weren’t the only evolutionary byproduct of their adaptation to the planet around them: webbed fingers and toes, bright jewel-colored skin, a nictitating membrane over their eyes. Full-fledged space mermaids equipped to survive even the deepest of waters. 

Being different amongst themselves didn’t make them any less united as a race. Living in harmony, they needed each other to thrive, and that they did. With the discovery of each future technological advance, the Kitalphans brought about an entire new age for all of Seleota, embracing their role as the scientific peers within the System.

The Kitalphans lived in peace, buried in their own research, until one fateful day, disaster strikes. The combination of an overly ambitious experiment and the rapid heating of their planetary core, scorching the planet from within, led to a series of unfortunate events that would change the lives of the species forever...

It wasn’t sudden. It wasn’t an overnight destruction. It wasn’t unexpected. But the results was devastating.

Helplessly, the Kitalphans watched as their oceans boiled, slowly but surely killing every species to inhabit them. Those who chose to remain in their watery homes soon perished with the remaining sea life, while those who braved the fragile safety of the land not only struggled to readapt to the surface but watched with shattered hearts as their homes were destroyed, families torn apart, lives devastated. 

Despite holding out a little longer, the land wasn’t faring any better. Water levels rose with the melting of ice within their oceans, decreasing the land space to less than 90% of the planet. Earthquakes wrecked the land, flora and fauna succumbing to the sweltering heat that suffocated the land. Overpopulation was taking its toll, resources unable to provide for ocean’s refugees and hunger striking left and right despite their best efforts.

Though they tried, their extensive research could only bring about one conclusion; the damage was too far done. The Kitalphans had always been a united race, but chaos was spreading. They blamed each other, desperately looking for someone to condemn, something to turn to… but it was no good.

One thing they all agreed on, was their ambition had grown too high. That they should never have agreed to experiment on something so far beyond their comprehension, something that had now helped to bring about the downfall of their planet; that mysterious green substance from the human planet of Orion. 

Its power was overwhelming, the consequences of trying to control it were devastating.

There was no turning back.

Despair covered the land, and in their desperation the Kitalphans turned to their neighbors, asking for shelter, for someplace to live after the impending destruction of their beloved home. Door after door was closed to them. The Tilaari, a reclusive and narcissistic species, refused the plea for migration to Tilaarin. Humans were reticent, King Fenris Peg’asi offering servitude under the guise of salvation, promising work within the harsh conditions of the various mines dotted across their civilizations. 

Primarily reserved for punishment and imprisonment, the Kitalphans knew that life in the mines was not acceptable, especially the dreaded and secretive mines of Orion, where lay only danger and death. A collective decision was made, and the species instead opted to face their own mistakes with whatever remaining dignity they had left. 

Resigned to their fate, the older population accepted their extinction, but couldn’t bear to force this destiny on their young. With little options remaining and their doom close at hand, they joined forces, creating as many stealth pods as they could, programming them to land on several different planets; Goldis, Orion, Teranium, and Cursa. 

It hurt, sending their children off so they could live, knowing their families were meant to die. The younger ones didn’t even understand what was happening, but the older ones did.

Two could fit each pod, so paired off, they said their final goodbyes.

Tear streaked cheeks and a running nose didn’t keep a young, purple haired Kitalphan from hugging her little brother and guiding him to the pod reserved for them. Silently, she watched her parents as the pod took off, memorizing every line on their face, every dimple and mole, knowing she would never see them again.

Her eyes stayed firmly fixed on her home planet when they broke the atmosphere, never letting go of the sleeping young Kitalphan in her arms while she watched the destruction of everything she had ever known erupt in a fiery end. The deafening silence surrounding them in outer space as it exploded in a supernova louder than the screams she swears she could hear coming from the family she left behind.

Kitalpha was gone, and it would never come back.

Eventually turning her back on the ruins of her home, she studied the bright, golden planet their pod was fast approaching, soothing her younger brother still asleep in her arms, and promising she would ensure a good life for him with whatever gold she left with. Aching heart but clear mind, realization dawned on her. 

The Kitalphans would be gone if they didn’t make it.

Though the water dwelling Kitalphans were no more, the species was ready for yet another adaptation to the world around them, and would forever keep their special connection to their home planet, and the water, in their hearts and minds. 


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