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Hi everyone!

To start this newsletter we first have to say a big, big thank you from the WG team to those of you who have played the latest release, Episode 8 of Andromeda Six! The positive feedback for the episode has been really great to see, and so encouraging as we head into the final two episodes of the story!

We've taken it a little easier during the second half of April, and are now prepared to focus our full efforts on our next DLC/side-story, After Dark, come May. After Dark will be released before Episode 9 of the main game, and we will eventually begin to post a beta build for both the DLC and our upcoming Character Creator here on Patreon on the Outlaw ($10) tier.

After we're done with AD we only have Episodes 9 and 10 left for the game! It's so exciting seeing how far this project has come, and as we head into the finale of the game we hope you'll come along for the ride to our final planet, Goldis!

We've also had a lot of questions asking if A6 will continue to be free to play in the future, and we want to start spreading the word that from the Episode 10 release the game will be paid. While it's still in early access the game will be priced a little lower to assist us with funding development as we polish and revamp A6 to a standard for it's final release. Upon final release the price will be raised to reflect the quality of a fully released game.

That's all we've got for now, thank you everyone for your support, and we'll see you again very soon! 🚀

Damon guest art (feat. Theo & Suki) by @Glasswing_Games on Twitter

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Elodie Albert

I can't believe we're so close to the end of the story! I guess I'll have to become an Outlaw than 🤪

Bast 13

No worries if it's too much work, but would it be possible for an update that adds what character you're romancing to the save name? like $ save_name = "[romanced_character]". I love playing through all the routes but it can be hard to figure out which of my files belongs to what playthrough