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Today we've got the second part of the Peg'asi sibling post, and we're so glad that you enjoyed learning about the first half of the siblings in Part 1!

At the time of the coup, six of the siblings were living in the palace (Nerissa, Auberon, Celest, Ven'dela, Arlo, Traveler), with the others visiting for Sorenn's wedding. Out of the eleven siblings, Auberon was the only one with children, who sadly lost their lives during the coup.


(Son of Nikolle)

Sorenn was a Captain in the Guard, stationed in the Gold District where his soldiers were tasked with general law enforcement. He kept an apartment in the Gold District, though split his time between residing there and at the Guard facilities in the GD.

He had a pleasant disposition, and genuinely enjoyed his work with the Guard, and the friends he made there. He was kind to Traveler whenever they saw each other, and made more of an effort than most of the siblings (besides Nerissa) to take an interest in them. Unfortunately, like Elettra, he was busy with his life and wasn't often around the Palace.

When he did return to the Palace, it was usually to visit his mother. It hurt him to see her in the condition she was in, and he knew he didn't visit as often as he should. He felt guilty knowing that Arlo made more of an effort than he did to look after her and keep her company, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it most days.

(Son of Ta'jean)

A quietly arrogant prince, Tavaris was largely influenced by his mother, Ta'jean, and her views on their place in society. He was close with his sister Ven'dela, but was often disapproving of her wanting to be closer to their wider circle of siblings.

Thanks to his mother's connections on Tilaarin, Tavaris was able to travel and spend time on the planet. His interests lay in medicine, and after studying at one of Tilaarin's most prominant universities (a first for royalty) he spent some time under the tuteluge of Souzan Mi'haden.

Tavaris wore his long hair down, and was a fan of softer, more flowing garments. He had few friends, and even fewer romantic prospects due to his cool disposition, and felt that he fit in on Tilaarin much better than his home on Goldis.

(Daughter of Lucrezia)

The ultimate gossip girl, this princess was fond of both creating drama and spreading rumors, and always put herself in the spotlight. Bratty and beautiful, Celest had a nasty streak. Along with her closest brother, Arlo, the two of them could be an absolute nightmare, especially towards Traveler.

One of her favorite past-times was flirting with the young Guards around the Palace, and she had a serious crush on one red-headed Guard in particular, who much to her disappointment, didn't show the slightest bit of interest in her. This only served to make her even more spiteful towards Traveler, after seeing how close they were with Vexx.

Luckily, Celest could be occupied easily as she enjoyed her lessons, especially music and dancing, and had a particular love for ballet. She was an accomplished dancer who would often perform with a ballet company in the Gold District.

She was both charming and popular, though beneath that exterior she could be selfish and cruel, and many soon learned never to cross her for fear of not just her wrath, but Arlo's too.

(Daughter of Ta'jean)

A shy and quiet princess, Ven'dela often kept to herself, or to the company of her mother, Ta'jean, and her closest brother, Tavaris. Easily intimidated and often unsure of herself, Ven'dela was easily swayed by their words.

Ven'dela enjoyed her mothers company, and loved hearing stories of her childhood on Tilaarin, as well as learning the folklore and traditions of the planet. She was looking forward to the day she could finally visit the planet for the first time, and was keen to travel to the other planets and Systems.

She would have liked to join the Guard, had that been an option. She knew she wasn't the toughest out of her siblings, but she was desperate to prove her worth in one way or another.

Ven'dela would have liked to be close to Traveler, but Ta'jean was wary of the influence that Nerissa had over the youngest royal sibling, and often kept them apart. Tavaris and Ven'dela were both the most precious treasures and the greatest weapons Ta'jean had acquired, and she was willing to use them accordingly.

(Son of Nikolle)

The playboy prince, Arlo, would always do exactly as he pleased, with little regard for anyone else. He wasn't nasty as often as his closest sister, Celest, and didn't go out of his way to torment people, but when crossed he could be vicious.

Charming and sensuous, he enjoyed making games out of seducing others, and often lured Celest into competing against him for his own amusement. Anyone was fair game for him, including the red-headed guard he knew his sister had her eye on.

He would have considered it the ultimate win over Celest if he managed to seduce Vexx first, and he certainly tried his best. Sadly, the guard didn't seem all that interested in either of them.

He was extremely close with his mother, Nikolle, and spent a lot of his time caring for her. Though she never spoke, it was only in her company that he felt any amount of peace, and he would sit with her most afternoons, looking out over the gardens.

He had no patience for learning music, or dancing, or anything of the sort, and he was the laziest of all the siblings. He enjoyed reading, and in more recent years had begun to educate himself on the topics of mental health and psychotic disorders to fill that small hope that something might be done to bring his mother back to him.


Tiara Sanders

I love learning about the other siblings. Now knowing their personalities I can't help but wonder how each of them would react to the traveler also being alive if they were the one to survive instead of Nerissa. Also poor Vexx being harassed by Arlo, Vexx's inner dialogue there must be hilarious.


Man, I feel bad for Ven'dela. Sounds like she was smothered by her mother and brother, and without Ta'jean's meddling she and Traveller might've had the chance to become close siblings 🥺

Tiara Sanders

It is really sad when you consider the fact you can have the Traveler, Tavaris and Ven'dela be full siblings. So despite sharing a mother in that case they were still kept apart.