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Mud collapses with his back to the wall. His breathing echoes loudly in the empty corridors, but no one comes to investigate.

The Storm Dragon has done him a favor, it seems.

Had he and Bright Sword not been separated when the spatial realm shifted, he’d have probably died. Even now, blood, his blood, seeps into his robes and pools around him, tainting the floors with deep crimson.

“Movement that cannot be proved,” Mud muses with a touch of bitterness in his voice.

To be able to adapt his Dao to his to provide such an outlandish answer is not the sort of thing anyone can do. Calling Bright Sword a genius does not even begin to cover the magnitude of the feat.

“How unfair.”

Mud tries to laugh but ends up coughing blood instead. It is just as well. This is no time to laugh. General Nie Dan must be informed of this at once.

Mud grits his teeth and tries to stand up.

He fails.

It is not a matter of willpower. His tendons are severed in just the right way to render them useless, and his soul is too weak to heal the damage. Not even his battle against the Fleshcrafter back in the Dead Plains hurt him this badly.

Despite that, Mud knows that Bright Sword held back. That man’s power must be well beyond the Heaven Realm. To think someone like that has gone unnoticed for so long. What is he doing at Murong Bang’s side? What are his true intentions?

Ah, it’s no use.

Mud sighs and hangs his head. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot force himself to feel any urgency. Bright Sword’s true allegiances and goals are not where his heart is.

Right now, all Mud can feel is incredible envy.

Mud is well aware that his master has elevated him above several others. However, what does that matter if he’s always surrounded by such brilliant flowers? His master told him something might be born from himself, yet after hundreds of years, Mud suddenly finds himself an impatient man.

“Truly… really… unfair…”

He is so far away.


Qing Guo groans weakly as he tries to pick himself up from the floor with limited success. The spatial quake, for lack of a better term, has knocked both cousins off their feet. Even the snake construct Liu Jin had holding Qing Guo has faded from the shock. It takes a while before Liu Jin stands up, and Qing Guo rolls himself face up.

They gasp.

“What in the world is that?” Qing Guo asks with eyes as wide as dinner plates.

The ceiling is no longer a ceiling. Instead, Liu Jin and Qing Guo see a myriad of overlapping corridors above their heads. They twist and intertwine with each other hundreds of times over in a spectacle that should not be physically possible. Even the corridor they are in does not seem to be independent of this phenomenon. As the seconds pass, Liu Jin realizes they are moving as well.

“I think it is safe to say the spatial realm shifted,” Liu Jin replies. He flinches and averts his gaze. Just looking at the shifting dimensions hurts his eyes. His dog presses against him, offering his weight as support.

“I can see that!” Qing Guo snaps. “But... how can this be possible?”

“The Storm Dragon created this spatial realm. It is not a surprise that he can manipulate it at will.” Liu Jin frowns. “The only question is why he would do it now. If he wanted the realm to be this twisted, why not do it from the start?”

“How am I supposed to know that?” Qing Guo asks him. “Our Ancestor never mentioned anything about this. Unless…No, it couldn’t be.”

“What?” Liu Jin asks sharply. The intensity of his gaze locks Qing Guo in place. “You clearly thought of something just now.”

“Only that…” Qing Guo suddenly frowns. “Wait, why would I tell you anything? If the realm has become more complex, that only means your invasion is more likely to fail!”

“If something has really gone wrong, there is a chance we might end up stuck in this spatial realm forever,” Liu Jin says, reaching down to grab his cousin by the scruff of his robes. “Do you really want to risk that?”

“There is no way that could ever…. happen…” Qing Guo trails off. His face pales as he realizes the possibility is not as outlandish as he’d like.

The whims of the ancients are never to be underestimated.

“There is a place,” he begins hesitantly. “General He Bin took me there. It was in the forbidden wing of the palace.”

“Forbidden wing?” Liu Jin asks.

“It’s an area of the palace no one goes to,” Qing Guo says rapidly. “I used to think it was because that palace does not have as many people as it used to, but that’s not it. There’s a room there. I think it’s important to the Storm Dragon. It was beating. It was beating in the same way the spatial realm did before everything shifted.”

“A beating room.” Liu Jin blinks. “What does that mean?”

“You two do not even know that much? How worthless.”

Liu Jin and Qing Guo pale.

“My talents should not be used to hunt down such small, insignificant prey.”

His body lacks any sort of muscle definition. He looks soft, almost like a newborn baby. His skin has a weird colorless quality and shines as though covered in slime. Odd squelching noises accompany his every step.

His head is bald and round. His features are odd in a way Liu Jin cannot fully grasp. It is as if he is looking at a face drawn by someone who received a detailed explanation of what a face looked like but has never seen one.

His clothes are made of flesh.

It is not that he is wearing pelts or leather. Rather, his own flesh is fashioned in the shape of clothes. At a glance, it almost looks like he is wearing a normal yellow robe. It is only once a second passes that Liu Jin realizes the man’s robes are actually growing from him, no different from hair or nails.

This man is the Fleshcrafter, Liu Jin decides. He has to be.

“Does my appearance upset you?” The Fleshcrafter asks as he slowly walks towards them. “I cannot say I am all that fond of it either. To have so little flesh on me… is a tad unsettling. However, I can only wear so much in such tight spaces.”

Liu Jin cannot move.

The Fleshcrafter’s Qi fills the corridor. It falls on them like a black curtain and evokes images of death inside their heads. A myriad of conflictive survival instincts war inside them, rendering them immobile.

Were this the imperial palace, Liu Jin might feel some hope, but the words of the Storm Dragon haunt him. This is not the imperial palace but a spatial realm that overlaps with it. There is no guarantee that the same protection will apply here.

“It is hard to believe people like you have been blessed by an Inheritance.” The Fleshcrafter’s facial muscles twitch oddly. It takes Liu Jin a while to realize that is simply how his expressions look. “How could such insignificant organisms be judged worthy of such a gift? Do not even get me started on the miserable wretch the people of this country call emperor. Of course, since there are so many of you, we don’t really need all of you alive, do we?”

When a true predator is about to strike, time seems to stop. The universe holds its breath, wishing it could avert its eyes from the carnage about to ensue.

Of course, that is nothing but an illusion. Time does not stop. The universe does not feel. The prey’s simple brain is just desperately trying to seek an answer that does not exist.

Time resumes.

Liu Jin moves.

Qing Guo does not have time to yell as Liu Jin creates a snake construct that swallows him and the dog whole. There is no time to open one of the doors, so Liu Jin breaks it by ramming his construct into it, sending the two right through. It doesn’t matter how strong or fast the Fleshcrafter is. The doors here keep changing where they lead to. Once they are on the other side, he will not be able to follow. Qi is already in Liu Jin’s legs, pushing him forward. Mere steps separate him from freedom.

A wall of flesh stops him.

“Should I compliment your gallantry? Maybe call you stupid for prioritizing the life of your enemy?” Flesh and bone extend from the Fleshcrafter’s finger. They grow into the grotesque wall that blocks Liu Jin’s way. “You realize I let them go, right?”

“I know.”

The Fleshcrafter had made his hatred of him clear enough. Why bother securing Qing Guo now when he could enjoy himself by killing Liu Jin and capture Qing Guo later?

Liu Jin had gambled on the Fleshcrafter thinking like that.

“Good,” the Fleshcrafter says. “It wouldn’t do for you to think that you actually accomplished anything.”

He points at Liu Jin, and two of his fingers grow into long spears of bone. There is no time to dodge. Liu Jin can only gasp in pain as one of the bones pierces his left lung. The other one goes right through his shoulder, pinning him to the wall.

Dimly, Liu Jin realizes the Storm Dragon had not been bluffing.

There is no protection for him here.

“Do you see how simple it is?” The Fleshcrafter asks him. “How insignificant you are compared to me? Perhaps you had been harboring delusions of competence after what happened in the Dead Plains, but that was a fluke and nothing more. Allow me to demonstrate.”

The bones piercing him bubble as though they were boiling water. Liu Jin screams as he feels bones boiling and changing shape inside him, tearing apart his insides as they spread.

“You dared to change my creations. Let’s see how you like it when someone does the same to you. Shall we start with your limbs? Perhaps the face? I have never been all that fond of eyes. Do not worry. I am not so uncouth as to make you ugly on purpose. You shall be as beautiful as any of my creations.”

Liu Jin can barely hear him. It feels as if his nerves are being pulled out one by one. He can feel his skin boil, and his bones break. It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!


A single word breaks through the agony. A single word becomes his sole purpose.

Stop feeling.

Stop sensing.

Stop existing.

Not as flesh. The body and soul are one, but he needs to be nothing but soul right now. His body is no longer his body. It is merely something he inhabits. Something that is under attack. Something that is being taken from him.

He needs it back.

Liu Jin’s soul breathes.

He sees his body as if from miles away. He can feel the Fleshcrafter twisting it into one of his monstrosities, but there is no longer any pain distracting him. His body is no different from a patient at his father’s clinic. Nothing more.

He needs to heal it.

The Fleshcrafter is not overwhelming him with pure power. His pride will not allow that. Instead, he is impressing upon Liu Jin the difference in skill. This is simply a contest of biological manipulation in which he’s had a late start. Nothing more.

That is the only reason why he has a chance.

Liu Jin spreads his Qi throughout every part of his body. His bloodstream. His nervous system. Every single cell. The Fleshcrafter’s influence reaches far and wide, but that is not entirely a bad thing. The Fleshcrafter has left his body weak and ugly, but it has also left it malleable. Liu Jin can work with malleable.

He starts with a cell. Just one. He needs to remind it that it is his cell and not the Fleshcrafter’s. Then he needs to get it to remind the others.

One cell. Two cells. Three cells.

Ten cells. Fifty cells. One hundred cells.

How many cells were in a human body again?

No, he cannot think like that. It doesn’t matter how much there’s left to do. He needs to keep going. The more cells he controls, the easier it becomes. Everything else will follow naturally.

He can feel the Fleshcrafter’s anger. It’s burning and violent. His manipulation grows more vicious because of it, but the feeling is too distant for Liu Jin to be bothered by it. A country away. An ocean away. How can Liu Jin pay it any mind when he’s busy reminding his hair that it is hair, and his nails that they are nails?

His body has ten fingers and ten toes. It cannot have more or less. A mouth. He needs a mouth as well. His lungs also need to go back to where they were. And the liver. The liver is not supposed to go there. Neither are bladders.

Why is that there?

No, he does not want to know. It does not matter. He needs to keep going. His flesh is his to shape.


Liu Jin gasps. The shock of Fleshcrafter’s influence withdrawing from his body brings his awareness back to the physical plane. His body is wounded but not horribly misshapen. His chest rises and falls heavily. His lungs are still not quite where they should be.

“How?” The Fleshcrafter asks, looking at him with seething fury. “How could someone like you know how to craft flesh so perfectly?”

The Fleshcrafter kicks him into the wall. Liu Jin’s ribs crack.

“We’re trained by the greatest masters,” the Fleshcrafter says. His flesh wraps around Liu Jin’s neck and chokes him. “We are raised among corpses so that we might know death. We bleed for our art. We hone it for generations. Someone like you, a mere child from this backwater country, is no more relevant than a speck of dust, so how?! What training have you received? What secrets have you learned?”

“I…” Liu Jin struggles to get the words out. The only reason his neck is not broken is that the Fleshcrafter wants to see him in pain. “When I was… a child… I was taught how to be a doctor.”

Something breaks behind the Fleshcrafter’s eyes, perhaps his patience.

“I speak to you of the art of death, and you answer with life? I do not deal in life,” the Fleshcrafter says, his voice cold. “I deal in death.”

And with those words, he drives his fist through Liu Jin’s heart.

“Die and became nothing but a bad dream. One that I shall hopefully forget about someday.”

Liu Jin’s corpse falls to the floor. The Fleshcrafter stares at it for several seconds before piercing all its vital organs for good measure. For a moment, he considers doing what he claimed he’d do. Add this body to his collection.

He decides against it. The words he spoke earlier were not lies.

This joke. This humiliation.

He wants nothing that will remind him of it.


Mini-Character List

Liu Jin: Our Protagonist.

Mud: A disciple of the Eternal Flame Clan. Envious.

Qing Guo: Prince of the Storm Dragon Empire. Fearful.

Dog: A modified creature of the Death Fashioning Scripture. Dog.

Fleshcrafter: A disciple of the Death Fashioning Scripture. Humiliated.



I really didn't want this to be the last chapter of the year. It's a bit too cruel, you know? But the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like the only way. Anything else would be me trying to drag things out. Doesn't help that I haven't been able to advance things as much as I wanted the previous chapters because I wrote them all sick.

So yeah...

Merry Christmas?



It was a good run


Thanks for the chaps! Fuck you for the cliff


How can my Christmas be Merry after a chapter like this, you monster?


Thank you dor the chapter. Damn you for the cliff :)


Uh, Jinbros? Did we just get offed by a jobber?


Thank you for the story, and this, its definitely absolutely true ending. A sad but unavoidable end. I hope we get an epilogue in the new year. Good luck in your next ventures. Pour one out for Liu Jin.


In true cultivation fashion, the heavens are a cruel mistress and not every child is so blessed to continue to climb. Was a wild ride. Can't wait to see what you write next.


To end the year with a cliff hanger is as fitting as its annoying well done =)

Robert Davidson

This chapter tells us exactly how Jin is going to survive this, but it still feels suspenseful. Well written, that.




The End


Merry Christmas! Don’t worry about the cliffhanger. Enjoy your break to the fullest!


You got so far but this is the end, what a shame.


Well done, looking forward to the next story! >:D


You both should collab to write a xianxia now that ave xia has ended

tobias merz

so how many mouthful of blood was that?


That... is just mean. Like we all know our boi isnt actually died but... this is just mean.


So how do we think he’s going to get better? Snake inheritance maybe? That hasn’t come up in a hot minute. Storm dragon saves him? Seems unlikely. Somehow the squad saves him? Also seems unlikely. I think my money is on the snake being relevant again, it’s been too long since that or those jade tablets from his teacher have been plot relevant.


Well, I guess that's it. Definitely no shenanigans happening.


Bravo, you've won best cliffhanger. Damn you, this was good.

Derek Walker

At least come back to Lui Jin’s perspective after the break. Not a week of other POVs… It’s not even clear physical attacks matter to Lui Jin anymore. Unless someone is directly attacking his would damage to his body might be meaningless.


This fleshcrafter is seriously lacking in the Dao of Death if he still can't see why jin bested him. Life and Death aren't just related, they're the same thing. Every living thing is in a perpetual state of dying and rotting, kept in motion by the same mechanisms this pretender claims to have mastery over. Dude's head is thicker than a prison wall and twice as dense if he still hasn't figured that out.

Derek Walker

A pet theory of mine is that since demons at their weakest are in the earth realm, then it would take that long for more serious effects of his inheritance to show themselves. I think his understanding of his soul and body was the revelation needed to jump into the earth realm, and now demonic inheritance shenanigans will begin.

The Grey Mage

So, how is he going to be saved? His Storm Dragon inheritance, Nine headed Snake inheritance, Doctor inheritance, or Personal Enlightenment?

Derek Walker

After his mid-chapter revelation it's not even clear he is dead or needs to be saved per se. He can just keep reconstructing his body. My guess is that it's his nine-headed snake god inheritance that allows him to kill the Fleshcrafter. We know the poisoned needles are enough to kill even someone in the Emperor realm. If his inheritance expresses itself more, he may naturally generate a poison strong enough to kill the fleshcrafter


He's definitely not dead. If the fleshcrafter were smart, he woulda incinerated the body, but "piercing the vital organs" of someone who can manipulate their own body well enough to reclaim it cell by cell is not enough.

Martin Toder

Yeah, he's dumb enough that he was sent on this mission. Everybody who was more competent was in a position high enough that the other sects would have noticed.

Martin Toder

I think Mat referring to jin's body so impersonally was deliberate. Soul shenanigans


All these comments and not a single "RIP MUD" ? I'll be the first then, RIP MUD


He is not dead. There is no need to wish him peace. We pray that he recovers quickly so that he may soar once more.

Andrew Do

I see we’re finally adding the back from the dead trope to this Cliche story.


Everyone knows Jin isn't dead. But also, cells take a long time to die, though it depends on the type. Normally what matters more is the loss of info in the brain but that doesn't matter here. The other guy may see Jin as dead, but to Jin, his body is clearly still alive.


Jin is clearly copying Hui from Master, This Poor Disciple Died Again Today. Woo, another student of Death Faking!


Also Jin hasn’t finished moving his lungs into the right position so the fleshcrafter probably missed those

Martin Toder

It will surely not be very long now until the mud that is him shall blossom into a magnificent flower

Amari Charles

What a cruel ending 😭

Bonifacio Mario Peña Jr.

Poison destroys his cells. Jin reclaims the destroyed cells ... And that's how Jin gains another inheritance/skill set.


hmmm, maybe jin will gain a new inheritance? somehow related to that beating thing that I presume is the dragon heart materialization 🤔