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In Liu Jin’s experience, control is usually a good thing. Control over one’s power allows precision. Control over one’s body allows discipline. Control over one’s emotions allows clear thinking. There has never been a time in his life when having too much control was somehow a bad thing.

By contrast, there have been many times where a lack of control has led to mistakes. It has led to unwise excesses and caused people to miss obvious things. Important things.

For example, Leader Liu’s Qi right outside the door.

Normally, it would be unthinkable for someone like Liu Jin to fail to notice the Qi of True Realm cultivator. However, due to having shared a very emotional moment with his grandfather, Liu Jin was wholly unprepared to end up face-to-face with his uncle immediately upon leaving his grandfather’s room.

Uncle and nephew stare at each other in silence for ten tortuous seconds.

“You heard,” Liu Jin says.

“I did,” Leader Liu says. His tone is every bit as lively as Liu Jin’s. He has his arms crossed and looks down at Liu Jin with an utterly unreadable expression, not that there is any need for Liu Jin to try to decipher it. Leader Liu must surely be thinking what any sane person would.

After all, why would he believe they are related?

“I realize how unbelievable it sounds,” Liu Jin says, rushing out his words. “But if you’d just listen-”

“Hold.” Leader Liu raises his hand to stop him. At that moment, the man might as well be a statue carved from the hardest stone. “Not here. Follow me.”

The two walk in silence through the City Lord’s mansion. So tense is the atmosphere around them that every single servant in the house suddenly has some other place to be.

Leader Liu leads Liu to the roof of the City Lord’s mansion. There is a platform there from which one can look down at the city. It occurs to Liu Jin that the City Lord stood here several times and took pride in how small everything looked from above.

Liu Jin can only think of how small and narrow the roof feels.

“My father is old,” Leader Liu says, facing away from Liu Jin. “He’s wiser and smarter than I am, but he’s old. That’s undeniable. Last time we spoke, you told me that he might have a few weeks left. Is that still the case?”

Liu Jin shakes his head softly.

“No,” he says. “He does not. Days at best. It’s inadvisable that he make another trip.”

“I see.” Leader Liu breathes deeply.

For a moment, all goes silent on the roof.

“He always spoiled her, you know?” Leader Liu suddenly says. “My sister, I mean. It was annoying when I was a kid, but now that I’m older, I can see it was because of her condition. She was frail, and I wasn’t.”

Liu Jin does not know what to say, so he stays silent. Leader Liu snorts.

“Not that being frail ever stopped her from doing anything. She was very troublesome…” He sighs. “She was also easy to love. I can understand why my father would still be seeking her shadow after all these years.”

“I swear I’m not trying to-”

“I am not finished talking!” Leader Liu’s voice is like the crack of thunder. “I… am not finished talking.”

Leader Liu’s back trembles. Whether it is with anger or sadness, Liu Jin cannot tell.

“She enjoyed making bets, perhaps too much for her good. My father probably didn’t tell you that,” Leader Liu continues, his voice tight. “It often got her in trouble, and I’d have to be the one to pull her out of it. She was always such a pain.”

Even though he says that, Liu Jin can hear a note of melancholy in his voice.

“One time, I decided to teach her a lesson. There was a tournament coming up,” he says. “People from all the villages in the area would participate. I bet on myself, and she didn’t, so I told her that if I won, she’d have to do one thing I asked. No complaints. No objections,”

Leader Liu finally turns around.

“She always made fun of my name, you see. Said it was too common,” he says, looking Liu Jin right in the eyes. “Naturally, I made her promise to name her firstborn after me. Of course, after I won, she told me that she was never going to name her son something so boring.” He smiles. “She never bet on anything after that.”

It takes Liu Jin three seconds to realize it.

“Your name is Jin,” Liu Jin says, stunned.

“These days, everyone just calls me leader, but Liu Jin is the name my father gave me,” Leader Liu says.

“Oh.” Liu Jin says. “I always thought I was named after my grandfather. The other one, I mean. My paternal grandfather.”

“Maybe you were.” Leader Liu sighs. “Outlandish as the idea that the doctor that passed through our village so many years ago was somehow someone of royal blood sounds, I cannot deny I see something in you. Of course, you might just be a very convincing fake.”

“I performed the blood tests already,” Liu Jin says. “We’re related.”

“I cannot possibly trust those.” Leader Liu’s eyes narrow. “And how did you even get my blood?”

“I was very careful about it. I promise I didn’t do any damage.”

“That’s not what I’m concerned about!” Leader Liu yells at him. He shakes his head and rubs his forehead. “Yes, this is a very familiar feeling.”

“You believe me then?” Liu Jin asks, his voice wavering with hope.

“Let’s say I don’t not believe you,” Leader Liu says. “Besides, my father is dying. I’ll not worsen his condition by fighting the person he believes to be his grandson. If you are a fake, and I convince him of such, he will die with a broken heart. I do not want that. For now, at least, we are family… nephew.”

Liu Jin inclines his head.

“I will do my best to earn Uncle’s trust.”


For the following days, both Liu Jins take turns keeping Elder Liu company. Sometimes, they'll visit together and share stories. Liu Jin tells slightly modified versions of his adventures to his grandfather and uncle. He can tell his grandfather knows there are things he's not saying, but he appreciates them all the same, often smiling and laughing during the more lighthearted moments.

When the time comes, as it always does, Elder Liu dies in peace, surrounded by the last remaining members of his family.

Three days later, Liu Jin departs for Cloudburst City.


Mini-Character List

Liu Jin: Our Protagonist. Sad.

Elder Liu: Liu Jin’s grandfather. Content in his last moments.

Liu Jin: Our protagonist’s uncle. Sad.


There was another scene with Rust and Nail. It was short, but it cut the flow too much so I cut it out. I'll maybe allude to it or make it a flashback later on.

Oh, and next week will be interludes.


Len White

> “Your name is Jin,” Liu Jin says, stunned. Chinese names that are only two characters long are generally not shortened to first name only.

David Wei

SB discussion has brought up an interesting question. Did Lu Mei get a chance to meet grandpa before he passed? They're both in the City so it'll be really sad if he didn't get to meet his grandson's girlfriend.


I didn't get a chance to fit in a scene like that, but let's say she did off-screen.