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Hi, everyone!

I hope you had a great New Year’s Eve. Lots of ground to cover in this post, so let’s get to it.

State of the Patreon

I have said this before, but I’m always surprised by how successful the patreon has become. Right now, we’re consistently hovering around 500 patrons. Sometimes more. Sometimes less. Either way, it’s a big deal. Huge.

It has gotten to the point where, if prices were a bit less wonky everywhere, I’d be seriously thinking about quitting my day job and dedicating myself to writing full-time.

No, even with things as they are, I am seriously considering it. At the very least, I can say my thinking has gone from [boy, that sure would be nice] to [okay, but what would I need to do to make it work]. It’d give me more time to write which would mean more updates and maybe even more stories.

So yeah…

Don’t get me wrong. It is not something I am about to do right now, but I think it is something I can now set as a goal. Does that make sense?

Regardless, I want to be a little more active this year, which brings us to the next few points.

Nine-to-Five Villainy

This might surprise many of you, but there is another story in this patreon. You can find it by searching for the nine-to-five tag. 

Nine-to-Five Villainy had about 35 chapters done before I had to put the story on hiatus. I was busy with a bunch of stuff at the time, so I had to give myself a break somehow. Nine-to-Five was always the smaller story compared to Ave Xia Rem Y, so the choice was relatively simple.

Of course, the idea back then was to return to it in a month or two. Unfortunately, my schedule didn’t unbusy itself. It did the opposite.

I have been thinking about returning to the story lately, but I am also thinking that I could use the chance to rewrite Nine-to-Five instead. Truth is, when I think of what I wanted to write and what I ended up writing, I can recognize I veered off-course. The idea was always for Nine-to-Five to have a faster pace compared to Ave Xia Rem Y. For each story arc to work as a quick little adventure. Sort of like a comic book.

Instead, I think I spent way too much doing setup stuff and too little time letting things happen. There is definitely room for improvement there.

Writing Blog Posts

Another thing I intend to restart this year. It was very shocking to look at the writing blog tag and realize the last Q&A happened nearly a year ago. That’s crazy. I am at a loss as to how I dropped the ball so hard.

So yeah, you’re definitely going to start seeing those again. Let me know if there are any subjects in particular you want to see. Writing stuff in general? Lore stuff? Behind-the-scenes stuff? More Q&As? Let me know in the comments.

And now for the last item…

Novel Release

I want to release the first Ave Xia Rem Y book this year.

There. I said it. No take-backs. People sometimes ask me if I plan on releasing a (e)book version of Ave Xia Rem Y. The answer is yes, and I want to get that done this year. 

Also, patrons will be able to download the ebook through the patreon for free. Because of course.

The main issue I am having right now is deciding which chapters the first book will cover. I have a few different ideas, so I will release another post going into detail about the options I am considering. I want to hear your opinions on this, so be on the lookout for that post.

Anyway, that’s more or less what I wanted to say. The main point is I want the patreon to be more active this year. And yes, because I know someone is going to ask, I want to see if I can sneak in a few extra updates of Ave Xia Rem Y this year while at it.

Let’s have a good year!


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