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“You were both reckless,” Liu Jin tells Pan Qiu and Khong Hu. “Following Senior Brother Guo was understandable. One could argue it is the reason you’re both alive. Still, eating the meat of an Earth Realm dragon was far too dangerous. You are lucky your meridians weren’t damaged irrevocably.”

“That was something that could happen?” Pan Qiu shouts. “I thought internal damage was the more likely negative outcome.”

“Damage to your meridians is internal damage,” Liu Jin points out. “Though you are right in that damage to your other organs, starting with your stomach, would have been the most likely scenario.”

Left unsaid is that receiving too much internal damage would have left them too damaged to handle the ensuing breakthrough. They are lucky that was not the case.

“Even so, make sure to visit the Medical Pavillion when we return. You need a thorough checkup. If I could, I’d do it right now.”

“Ah, to be lectured by a junior.” Khong Hu sighs and shakes his head. “No, I suppose there is nothing I can say right now.”

“I did not mean to lecture Senior Brother Khong,” Liu Jin says. “I apologize. You and Senior Brother Guo were of great help towards the end, and-”

“No, Brother Jin.” Khong Hu holds out his hand. “There is no need to mind your words. On this matter, I was most assuredly unhelpful. I have no ground to stand on.”

“I beg to differ!” an exasperated Pan Qiu shouts. “Just look at him!”

He waves his hand at Liu Jin’s form.

His bedridden, heavily-bandaged form.

Liu Jin sustained so many injuries during the battle that he was not placed with other wounded disciples. Instead, a new room was procured for him and one other disciple so they could be given preferential care.

“He’s got no right to lecture anyone about being reckless!” Pan Qiu continues. “That thing over there only looks human. He is a monster who’s surely cultivated the Dao of recklessness.”

Liu Jin looks at Pan Qiu. “You’re surprisingly open with your thoughts now.”

“It is because you are bedridden,” Pan Qiu replies shamelessly.

“Mind your words,” Khong Hu tells him. “Being honest about your cravenness does not make it acceptable. Brother Jin is like he is because of his many great deeds. While I wish he had exercised more caution, his contributions are undeniable. If we compare ourselves to him, it is obvious who is lacking.”

“Senior Brother, please. You praise me too much.” Liu Jin sighs. His head sinks into the pillows Lu Mei somehow procured for him. “In the end, we were all saved by someone else.”

“That might be so.” The man in the bed next to him says. Senior Brother Guo has been woken up by their talking, it seems. “Regardless, the only reason that Renegade appeared is because of you.”

Guo stares at the ceiling. His arms are crossed over his broad chest, and a blanket covers his body. Despite this, it is impossible to miss his missing limbs.

“We’d all be dead otherwise…”


Xun Huwen is face to face with a Renegade, yet he dares to laugh. Liu Jin is not sure whether that speaks of bravery or madness.

“I see! I see! Of course!” Xun Huwen holds his gut as he tries to get himself under control. So great is his laughter he even wipes a tear from his eye. “I understand. It seems I no longer have any role left to play. Not here or on our side of the Dead Plains.”

The Duke raises an eyebrow. “You believe yourself capable of crossing? I gave you the courtesy of words, but it seems I have met a madman. Very well, if you wish to kill yourself, I shan’t interrupt.”

He is going to let him go.

He is going to let him go!

The realization chills Liu Jin to the core. He wants to shout and scream at the Duke that he should kill Xun Huwen right now, but multiple wracking coughs cut him off. Perhaps, it is a good thing they do. The Duke is not his ally. There is no telling how he’d react to being ordered.

Even if he did decide to kill Xun Huwen, that might not necessarily be for the best. Xun Huwen would die, but so could many others. A single attack from a Renegade could devastate this area. Even if the Duke decided to show an uncharacteristic amount of restraint for his Realm, Xun Huwen wouldn’t. Not with his life on the line. His dying gasps might kill them all. The Duke might want him alive, but there is no guarantee he would protect anyone else.

“This is goodbye for now, junior,” Xun Huwen says, bending and waving goodbye at him. “I will be taking the next step. It is up to you to decide whether you wish to follow one day.”

Xun Huwen vanishes, and the battlefield is left silent. The disciples are too scared to speak in the presence of a Renegade, and the beasts have all been annihilated by the barrier. Even the Dead Qi outside begins meandering away after a few breaths.

The battle is over, and they have survived.


“That was certainly lucky.”

“What did you talk about?” Pan Qiu suddenly asks him. “We were too far away to overhear, but whatever it is that makes a Renegade act has to be important.”

“That is…”

“None of your business,” Lu Mei finishes for him as she abruptly enters the room. “Jin is still recovering, and he has no time to deal with any of your nonsense. You two shouldn’t even be here.”

“We were allowed to visit!” Pan Qiu protests.

“A mistake made by stupid people,” Lu Mei counters. Liu Jin doesn’t doubt the disciples who let them in are going to hear it from her later.

“Very well,” Khong Hu says, rising from his seat. “We shall leave Brother Jin to recover.”

“You are just going to obey her?” Pan Qiu asks.

Khong Hu does not reply. He merely offers a nod to Liu Jin and exits the room, leaving Pan Qiu alone under Lu Mei’s fierce glare. The older disciple undeniably has several grudges against Lu Mei, but he cannot find the courage to defy her. He scurries away with his tail between his legs.

“You should not be entertaining them. You are nowhere near recovered enough,” Lu Mei tells him.

“It was just a short conversation. There is nothing wrong with that.” After a pause, he adds, “I am a doctor, you know? I know how serious my wounds are.”

“I won’t claim to be remotely close to your skill, but I am not completely ignorant. The Red Sky Pavilion has produced some of the best healers on the continent. More importantly, I have working eyes!” She waves her arm at his prone form. “You are not well. Not even remotely. You are like a piece of paper left outside during a storm that is somehow still whole.”

Liu Jin laughs but breaks into coughs, further proving Lu Mei’s point. She huffs and leaves in a hurry, likely to yell at the poor disciples who let the other two get in.

“You are a lucky man,” Senior Brother Guo tells him.

“I think that’s the first time anyone has said that to me.”

Senior Brother Guo laughs in reply, and Liu Jin wishes he could join him. Unfortunately, he cannot help the way his eyes fall on Senior Brother Guo’s missing legs.

“There is nothing you could have done,” Senior Brother Guo tells him, not having failed to notice his gaze.

“I know,” Liu Jin replies immediately.

Senior Brother Guo is a cultivator in the Earth Realm. Though he cannot reconstruct his body completely like those who have ascended to the Heaven Realm, regenerating a missing limb is not impossible. Even a cultivator in the First Level of the Earth Realm should be able to recover an arm if given enough time. For someone like Senior Brother Guo, even taking his tiredness into account, it should only take him several hours.

Unfortunately, Xun Huwen’s Dao is the Dao of the Destruction. Damage done by him is not so easily mended. Not when he bothers to try. Senior Brother Guo’s legs will not grow back. Liu Jin found that out when he tried to treat Senior Brother Guo despite his feeble condition and met failure.

“It is not as bad as it seems,” Senior Brother Guo says. “I never cared much for my legs. My ankles were always too weak, you see. Women do not like a man with weak ankles.”

Liu Jin snorts before he can stop himself.

“Better,” Senior Brother Guo says. “There is really nothing to be sad about. I will be given prosthetics when we return. Forging is not an activity that requires much legwork, so it will not affect me much. Besides, this condition will only last until I reach the Heaven Realm.”

Liu Jin nods. The power of a Heaven Realm cultivator to completely reconstruct their body should allow Senior Brother Guo to bypass the lingering effects of Xun Huwen’s Dao.

“It is a mere stumbling block, junior. We are alive, and we are victorious. That is all that matters. Rest now. We need to recover for the trip back.”

First Lu Mei and now Senior Brother Guo. It seems people really want him to sleep. A yawn escapes his lips. He has only been awake for a little over an hour, yet his eyelids feel heavy already.

Lacking even the energy to reply to Senior Brother Guo, Liu Jin drifts away from consciousness. As he does, his mind goes back to the Duke.


It takes Liu Jin several seconds to notice Senior Brother Guo has lost consciousness. Most would assume it is due to the shock of having lost his legs, yet that does not ring true. Most likely, the Duke used the force of his aura to make him succumb sometime before Xun Huwen left.

“I have not been in my homeland for over a hundred years.”

The Duke speaks in a remarkably soft voice, not bothering to put any Qi in his words. That means only Liu Jin and Lei Kong are close enough to hear what he has to say.

“I have met Renegades from the Storm Dragon Empire over the years, but they have never been the best conversation partners, especially in the past two decades. I never had any reason to believe their mad ramblings were anything else. How could things have changed so much in a mere century? How could two emperors have been killed and one gone missing? That could not possibly be true. Then I met this one.”

The Duke points to Lei Kong, who has placed himself between Liu Jin and the Duke. Liu Jin appreciates the gesture but knows the True Realm Cultivator will make not a single difference should the Duke decide to kill him. “Outrageous as his claims are, he has not lied to me. He lacks the skill to do so.”

A shadow falls over the Duke’s face. For a moment, the man does not radiate power or menace. He stands tall and proud, yet Liu Jin feels a deep sadness.

“It is all true, isn’t it?”

“It is,” Liu Jin replies somberly. “The Storm Dragon Empire is a land submerged in civil war. Though an emperor exists, it is the Three Heavenly Generals who fight for power.”

“And one of these generals, this Murong Bang, destroyed your home,” the Duke says.

“That is so.”

“You wish revenge.”

“I wish to stop the civil war,” Liu Jin says. “Murong Bang and his soldiers wronged me, just as they wrong their own countrymen every day. That offends me.”

“Offends,” the Duke echoes him and laughs. “How bold of you. Perhaps, you expect me to approve of the righteousness of your cause.

His laughter stops.

“Your servant already told me what you plan. One of the three generals is a traitorous dog who has sold his soul to foreigners, yet this is the general you have chosen to side with. Do you understand what that means, child? Your servant may have spent several days telling me of the greatness of your character, but you seek to supplant the emperor I owe my loyalty to. That cannot be denied.”

His Qi is tranquil.

Despite being a Renegade, despite having cause to be angry, the Duke does not raise his Qi.

How long must he have prepared himself for this?

“Why should I not kill you right here, child?”

Liu Jin meets the Duke’s gaze and begins to push himself off the ground.

“My lord!” Lei Kong cries. “Do not move! You’re not well!”

Lei Kong tries to stop him, but Liu Jin waves him away. Though painful, the light has left him in a far better state than before. Still, Liu Jin’s body screams at him to stay still. Breathing causes him pain. Moving is agony. Nevertheless, Liu Jin manages to push himself to a sitting position. He has to do at least this much.

Because the Duke’s question is a sincere one.

“It is as the Duke says,” Liu Jin says, fighting hard to keep his voice steady. “I seek to end the war, and for that purpose, the one I will support will be General Nie Dan, who is not loyal to the emperor but to the Eternal Flame Clan. Compared to the other two, I deemed General Nie the easiest to influence. The actions I take are simply the result of my own powerlessness.”

“The Eternal Flame Clan you are a part of has been fattening on my country’s misery. Every single one of you here is guilty of that. I should kill you all for the sake of the Storm Dragon Empire.”

“Not a single person here has done anything wrong to the Storm Dragon Empire,” Liu Jin counters. “A son is not guilty of his father’s crimes, nor is a disciple at fault for his master’s actions. What do children like us know of what the Elders do?”

“True. The children here are not guilty, but if you are successful, you will be responsible for granting even more power over my country to the people who plundered it.”

“The war will not end unless one side is the victor,” Liu Jin says. “You speak of the evils of the Eternal Flame Clan and shame me for choosing them as though the other two were better. However, Murong Bang is nothing but a monster.”

“And the Emperor?”

“If the Emperor is content to hide away in his palace while the people suffer, how can he be righteous?”

The air cracks with force, yet Liu Jin continues.

“A man like that has already lost his mandate. From the very beginning, I understood no one was righteous. If the great Duke believes he can stop the war and the misery in a more efficient way, please do so. Remove this burden from my shoulders, and I will be happy.”

The Duke holds his gaze for several moments. Despite being in the presence of Renegade, Liu Jin never once wavers.

“Do you really believe you can end the war and bring peace to my homeland?” the Duke asks at last.

“I will not allow any other outcome.”

“Not allow.” The Duke snorts. “You will not allow. It offends you. Have you listened to how you speak, child? Are you a king or an emperor to say things like that?”

The Duke rises up.

“This Duke has heard enough. I will take my leave.”

Liu Jin blinks. Just like that?

“When I become an Emperor, I will see what has become of my homeland. If I disapprove of your results, I will kill you.”



There are lots of little things I didn't get around to covering this chapter for various reasons. 

Mini-Character List

Liu Jin: Our protagonist. Sleepy and tired. 

Pan Qiu: A cowardly disciple who once challenged Liu Jin. Unlucky.

Khong Hu: A disciple from the Apothecary who greatly admires Elder Xue. 

Senior Brother Guo: A Core Disciple from the Armory. Lost his legs last chapter. Taking surprisingly well. 

Lu Mei: Revealed she wields the Eternal Flame to Feng Zhi last chapter. Highly stressed.

The Duke: A Renegade from the Storm Dragon Empire. Sad and intrigued.

Lei Kong: Liu Jin's servant. Once worked for Murong Bang. 

Xun Huwen: A dangerous man who has decided to go to the other side of the Dead Plains. 



Firstly thanks for the chapter.


But I have to comlain about how you wrote this chapter. Coming from the previous chapter the transition is in my opinion poorly handled. To go from the high tension of the last chapter to the beginning of this chapter does the previous chapter a disservice. I remember last week beeing on the edge of my seat and was thrilled for the continuation in this chapter only having to double check after reading the beginning if I am reading the right chapter. To have the conclusion told to you before seeing yourselve how it concluded is the same as being spoiled and as such the fastest and most unsatisfiable way to continue the last chapter in my opinion. Also another thing which i have to criticize is that the chapter changes the scene from the present to the past and again the other way around which is breaking the reading flow of the reader and the imersion. As an advice I would restruckture the flashbacks to he beginning of the chapter as a better contiouastion of the last chapter and the present to the end. I know this complain is rather negative so I just want to say I have read and loved your story for nearlly 3 years ( time sure flies) and even when I dont like everything I am with this story to the end!

Jae Armstrong

Chapter fucks 🙏🏻

Jae Armstrong

I don't think I agree that there was a great deal of tension at the end of the last chapter. There was nothing Xun Huwen or anything anyone else on the scene could have done to oppose a renegade; the result was a foregone conclusion as soon as the Duke declared his intention to keep Liu Jin alive. If anything I'm happy that Mat has decided to push us out of this scene with such alacrity; it gets the pacing up. Lot of serial authors fall into the trap of never cutting or skipping over less narratively relevant parts and their stories drag as a result.


Yeah, I too went back to last weeks chapter to see if I missed something since the start of this one was so jarringly different

Jae Armstrong

Transition could perhaps have been a little smoother but structurally this is sound.


Huh. Decided to go back and check the Su interlude where we saw the third Heavenly General (the "loyal" one) and the reason Su Daji distrusts him seems a lot more important than it previously did: "The scent lingering on him is disgustingly familiar." I suspect we can guess at his secret backers being the folks from beyond now.


Jarring transition and I would have thought the Duke would have noticed Lin Jin's royal ancestry, if only for the name and the eyes alone?... Oh well.


And now I’m eager to see the Duke return to the Empire. Who is he?


The qings have both the black hair and the ruby red eyes. Jin has both red hair and red eyes right now so visually speaking he doesn't have the full set. Also the main thing that marks a Qing as a Qing is the purple lighting. And as lui jin doesn't have it yet.


Wait...Khong Hu ADMIRED Xue? Not ADMIRES? Did something change?


Don’t forget that Jin is also only 14 and it’s been over 100 years since the Duke was home. It’s not an obvious connection for him to make at this point. That said I’m really looking forwards to when they meet again in the future and the Duke finds out


I love the Duke as a character and as a contrast to the other renegades we’ve seen. He’s shockingly unimpulsive this chapter, and it feels like his earlier behavior was just him driving the annoyances away. Or maybe that’s just because Liu Jin holds his interest the same way an ant holds the interest of a little kid with a magnifying glass. Either way, I hope we do see him again.


Quick question, but if the fire healed in the previous chapter shouldn't his condition be better? Or did it only heal the spiritual side of him that was infected with the Dead Qi? (IE, burning it from his system). Might just be a nitpick, but a bit of clarity on what the flame did scale wise aside from just (better), could be helpful in understanding what exactly it is for later chapters if thats something you want to explain in the future.


The idea is that he was mega bad before the light. Visible bones and everything. The light healed him, but he still not well. But yeah, fair enough. I will see about making Liu Jin's condition clearer.


It's admires. I just sometimes write in past tense and don't fix it.


Thanks for the chapter.