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Q1: Just how many girls (and potentially boys) are going to end up in Lui Jin’s harem?

A: It’s going to be girls only. Probably around 5 or 6 at most. Any more than that would be too hard to handle. There wouldn’t be enough room to explore everyone and maintain a balance.

Though The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You seems intent on proving me wrong there.

Q2: You recently mentioned that all top-tier sects have some form of inheritance from the era before, like Liu Jin’s Nine-Headed Snake God Veins and the Eternal Flame Clan’s Eternal Flame. How did they go about creating these powers in the first place? Are people still creating new powers that can rival that of the Inheritances, and if not, then why not?

This has partially been explained by now, but it doesn’t hurt to expand on it a little. Not everyone can leave behind an Inheritance (with a capital I). As you grow in cultivation and enter the Divine Realms, you get a lot of cool little perks. One of them is the ability to leave behind an aspect of yourself when you pass on.

This aspect, this shadow of what you were, gets to pass down some of your mojo to the lucky schmuck it deems worthy based on conditions that range from fair to hilariously arbitrary. Some Inheritances, for example, cannot be given to women. Not because they are incompatible with the power, but because the person it came from really hated women. The opposite also happens.

Anyone who enters the Divine Realm can choose to leave behind an Inheritance, so yes, new Inheritances that can rival existing Inheritances can be created.

Q3: You mentioned how Feng Zhi’s high cultivation level in relation to his age is a product of skill, resources, and, above all, lineage/eugenics. What I’m curious about is if Liu Jin, given his heritage, also reaped such benefits from his parentage?

*Makes so-so motion with his hand*

Liu Jin kind of got the short end of the genetics stick. His mother did not come from any notable bloodline, and his father crippled himself before Liu Jin was conceived. This played a part in limiting the traits Liu Jin received since most of them worked at a more spiritual level, and Qing Jianguo had very effectively neutered those parts of himself.

Liu Jin did get some things, but they work at a very subtle level. Minor buffs here and there for the most part. There are also things that may become more obvious when he enters the Storm Dragon Palace.

Oh, and the purple lightning. Pretty much everyone has figured out he’s going to unlock that, so I figure there’s no harm in confirming it.

Q4: The five faeries (all top-level emperors) versus patriarch Feng (Divine realm, but unstable). Who loses, and why is it the crimson cloud empire?

Only Meng Yue and Bai Lianshi are in the Ninth Level of the Emperor Realm. That said, the remaining three fairies are still in the high levels of the Emperor Realm.

However, Patriarch Feng would win. The Divine Realms are no joke, and his understanding of his Dao is greater than theirs.

Anyway, I hope people liked this. Don’t be afraid of leaving questions in the comments. You can even leave questions for Nine-to-Five if you want.



What is Liu Jin’s current hair style


Question about the broken inheritance that is the eternal flame: because patriarch feng is in the divine realms what is stopping him if feng gui unites the broken flame that the inheritance simply goes to the divine realms cultivator that is already using it? Will the newly healed flame have any such problems with that?.


Also in all honesty how many people from the end of the great war have even been able to step into the divine realms? Also how far along was old jiang on the divine realms before he got deminished back to the emperor realm, was he futher along then patriarch feng or the NHSG?


Who will be the next girl to join the harem and why is it Fan Bingbing?


At what level of cultivation does the storm dragon family unlock the purple lightning? Is it like the eternal flame were it starts to manifest in the spirit realm or something like that?.


I don't think it's strictly a cultivator level thing (though it probably helps) but rather how far they've developed and practiced their ability to use lightning. Liu Jin went (IIRC) from red to blue lightning without going up a step in cultivation.


Here’s a question: who is the most powerful person we’ve met so far (not counting beings like the Storm Dragon and the 9 Headed Snake).

TayTay, The Pirate Queen

Is it possible to obtain two Inheritances? And if so, how high are Liu Jin's chances of getting two?


Can we know that the heads of the four sects of the CCE are all probably divine realm because they are always going up and down the four best ranking.?


With the talk of how Divine Realm can choose to leave behind an Inheritance, who knows if his master managed it when he died.


Before the Great War, how many divine realm cultivators were there in the world at its peak?


I want to know more about soul fragments. Xiao Nan seemed like he needed to absorb his soul bird to learn it's gathered intel. Liu Jin's snake seemed more intelligent. Was it born with all of Liu Jin's knowledge? Or was the soul snake and Liu Jin more actively and deeply connected at the time? Is it because, cultivators make their soul fragments simple and dumb on purpose? Maybe it's a security risk? Are the ice constructs used by the Five Fairies soul fragments? What about Elder Xue's butterflies?


What kind of spear is Liu Jin using at the Dead Plains? Is it, his custom spear from the Armory? What's it like?


The ghost that took over Su An, is that considered an Inheritance? If so, why aren't there more Shades trying live another life?


Which one of Su An and Su Daji is supposed to be a part of Lui Jin’s harem?


I'm fairly sure it was Jiang. Jianguo would be a second if he was not crippled.


I would imagine that Liu Jin will not take kindly to the fact a spiritual parasite has taken over the body of his friend (and wife-to-be), so I imagine he'll either try to banish her from Su An's body or, if that is not feasible, reverse their roles, so that it's now Su Daji that is on the "backburner".


I imagine this will be explored in future chapters too, but I'm curious just what a Dao is in this story specifically and how finding out your Dao can change a person? Also, we've already seen two people with a Dao that is considered extremely dangerous, what I'm curious is how can others know your Dao, let alone know it before you've figured it out yourself? Another thing I was curious about is how the Storm Dragon Empire differs from the Crimson Cloud Empire (and how did it get that name?). In the SDE there's a severely weakened royal family and three warlords vying for power, yet in the CCE the royal family is instead competing for power with 5 premier sects. Why are there no prominent sects in the SDE?

David Wei

A Nine to five question. When are we going to meet Amanda's not-boyfriend. The one teased in the prologue.