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Feng Hao’s attacks are swift and strong; his small body bounces off the walls and ceiling so quickly it is as if there are dozens of him in the room. Fire coats his arms and legs, increasing his power and speed. It had taken much cajoling, but Liu Jin had finally agreed to let Feng Hao use elemental attacks during their spars. One contributing factor is that they are no longer sparring out in the open or even in one of the rooms beneath the Sparring Pavilion. Since Liu Jin “tutoring” Feng Hao is known by all, Lady Ling has deemed it fit to grant them use of one of the many rooms of her mansion, one more than capable of handling this level of sparring while ensuring their privacy.

Relatively, at least. Lady Ling’s subordinates are surely observing them somehow.

Perhaps sensing his mind is not fully focused on the fight, Feng Hao’s face twitches in anger. The fire around his right arm grows in intensity as he lets out a furious yell.


One moment, Feng Hao’s punch is about to hit him. The next, Feng Hao is suddenly on his back, the wooden floor and walls left rattling by the force of the impact. The young prodigy blinks at the ceiling, unsure of what just happened. The pain in the back of his knees tells him he was hit there somehow, but he can’t recall when.

“You lost focus.” Liu Jin chides him. Feng Hao flushes and mumbles something under his breath as he picks himself up.

“What was that?”

Feng Hao jumps like a startled rabbit; his cheeks grow darker as he realizes he had not mumbled low enough.

“Elder Brother… Elder Brother also wasn’t paying attention to the match,” Feng Hao says, doing his best to avoid Liu Jin’s inquisitive red eyes by looking to one of the walls. There is a banner displaying the name of the Eternal Flame Clan there.

“If Young Master’s attempt to make me pay attention to the fight ended in his own defeat, it can’t have been a very good one. Can it?”


Liu Jin sighs.

“I know Young Master is smart, so he should already realize this. What is it that he did wrong?”

Feng Hao pouts. It is fairly adorable, but Liu Jin is unmoved. Feng Hao, Liu Jin has noticed, learns better when he has to point out his own flaws instead of having them pointed out. It may cause him some discomfort now, but it will pay off later.

“I misjudged the timing of my attack,” Feng Hao says with great reluctance. “I thought that, since Elder Brother was distracted, I’d have time to gather enough power for a big blow which would break past Elder Brother’s defenses. However, I was not quick enough.”

Liu Jin nods.

“Well, put. You underestimated my speed and overestimated yours. Young Master should already understand this, but using elemental techniques is not quite the same as enhancing your body with Qi.”

Deciding a visual aid may be helpful, Liu Jin lets his aura flare up.

“Qi is always flowing through our bodies. It makes us stronger. It heals us. It rejuvenates us and even slows down our aging. These are all things it does without any input, passively. When we fight, we impose our will over it and turn it from a passive force into an active one. We control the flow and guide it through our bodies so that it may produce the effects we need, be they offensive or defensive. Most simple techniques are rooted in this foundation. However, elemental attacks are more complex.”

The aura around Liu Jin crackles with electricity as his Qi takes on the properties of lightning. Feng Hao takes a step back in surprise.

“When we use elemental techniques, we are not just summoning our Qi to attack. We are not merely guiding it through our body. We are first attuning our Qi to an element of our choosing. It is only after doing so that we can manifest it as a technique.”

Feng Hao stares at him wide-eyed.

“Elder Brother can use elemental techniques as well!?”

Liu Jin meets Feng Hao’s astonishment with a raised brow. “I do not recall ever saying I couldn’t, Young Master. I’d be a poor Inner Disciple if I couldn’t do at least this much. Regardless, the point I’m trying to make is that using techniques such as your flames requires one extra step. Neglecting to take that extra step into account was a miscalculation. That is what slowed down Young Master’s attack.”

Of course, as one grows more comfortable attuning their Qi to a specific element, doing it becomes much easier. For example, Liu Jin may need to focus when generating lightning but creating Poison Qi is as easy as breathing.

Feng Zhi is a similar case. It is why the temperature rises whenever he is annoyed. His Qi is so extremely attuned to Fire, it has become an automatic response.

Feng Hao frowns. “So it is an issue of control?”

“Not quite,” Liu Jin replies. “Rather, this is an issue of experience. I am willing to bet Young Master does not have to try quite so hard against his usual sparring partners.”

The twitch in Feng Hao’s face is all the answer he needs. As expected, they are picking partners who they know Feng Hao can defeat. Liu Jin is the first sparring partner Feng Hao has chosen for himself.

“Because Young Master has not been pushed hard enough against his usual sparring partners, he has not been forced to realize the limits of his attack speed. However, that is something that will improve in time. The more Young Master uses his flames in combat, the easier doing so will become. Eventually, Young Master won’t even need to think about it. Beyond that, the quality and quantity of Young Master’s flames leave nothing to be desired.”

The praise makes Feng Hao blush; he puffs his chest with pride. “My tutors all say the same thing! They said it won’t be long until I can c-use the Eternal Flame.”

Liu Jin blinks.

As he understands it, the Eternal Flame is a high-level fire technique that only a select few among the Eternal Flame Clan can use. Certainly, Feng Hao has a good affinity for fire, but Liu Jin hardly thinks he is at a level where using such a high-level technique is an option for him.

Perhaps his instructors are just flattering him?

“I would recommend Young Master grow comfortable with his regular flames before talking about high-level things such as the Eternal Flame.”

“Is that so? And who are you to lecture anyone on the secrets of the Eternal Flame Clan?”

Liu Jin almost hadn’t sensed him getting closer. Even so, Feng Zhi reached this room far quicker than expected. Even though this is Lady Ling’s mansion, he walks with such surety it makes Liu Jin feel as if he were the one intruding.

“Big Brother! You’re here!” Feng Hao’s face is torn between excitement and confusion, between wanting to run up to Feng Zhi or staying in place as is proper. It is a struggle, and propriety wins out. The young child smoothes his face and bows his head. “Forgive my outburst, Venerable Brother. I mean to say I was not expecting to see you today.”

Feng Zhi’s golden eyes move over from Liu Jin to Feng Hao. The young child still keeps his head bowed, not daring to move a muscle until Feng Zhi addresses him.

“Feng Hao… You have grown.”

While Feng Zhi’s voice sounds conflicted, Feng Hao’s face lights up in a way Liu Jin has never seen before.

“Thank you, Venerable Brother! I have been training hard! My instructors say-”

“It would be good if you left this room.”

Feng Zhi’s words prove far more devastating than any technique. The joy on Feng Hao’s face swiftly turns to ashes.

“I…” Feng Hao looks at Liu Jin but only for a moment. He dips his head even lower. “Of course, I will leave you be. I… was happy to see you, Venerable Brother.”

The slight slouch of Feng Hao’s back. The hurriedness in his steps. The almost inaudible whimper that leaves his lips. It all contributes towards forming a glare on Liu Jin’s face.

“You have certainly done well for yourself,” Feng Zhi says once Feng Hao is out of the room. “You joined the Eternal Flame Clan mere months ago, yet now you tutor the Eternal Flame Clan’s Young Master. That is quite a feat.”

Liu Jin doesn’t respond. He doesn’t think Feng Zhi is looking for an answer. Indeed, the older youth shakes his head and lets out a dry laugh.

“I had wondered which one of you four I should have been most wary of,” he says, much to Liu Jin’s surprise. “There is no way that woman would have chosen four disciples at random, especially when one of them was the fool who spurned my kindness. How could his presence be anything but a deliberate taunt from that woman?”

Those few sentences have Liu Jin struggling to keep his face from showing any reaction. He is not sure how successful his attempt is.

“Of course, compared to the problem child of the Golden Fist Sect and the girl from the Sky Red Pavilion, he was not worth paying much attention to. Neither were you. I know better now. You are the one I should have been most wary of.”

“Young Master, there is no need for you to be wary of this disciple.”

“Isn’t there? I had hoped, perhaps, to still have a few more years, but you have done that woman’s bidding and gleefully escalated the conflict between my father and uncle.”

Feng Zhi laughs again. It is a short, harsh laugh, accompanied by a slight shake of his head. It leaves as suddenly as it comes, leaving a furious glare in its place.

“Do not insult me!” The temperature of the room rises with Feng Zhi’s anger. “I gave you the kindness of a warning! I told you to leave my brother out of whatever that woman is planning! Instead, you seem intent on dragging him into the middle of it.”

Flame bursts in Feng Zhi’s hand. It shines so strongly it is almost blinding. Feng Hao’s fire cannot possibly compare to it. It is not just a matter of power or intensity.

The Flame is not normal.

“Why should I not kill you right now?”

Liu Jin barely hears Feng Zhi’s words over the roar of his own instinct. His nails dig into his palms. His eyes cannot move away from the Flame on Feng Zhi’s hand. His body screams at him to get ready for a fight. From the moment the Flame was summoned, one had to live and one had to die. There is no other way.

Liu Jin silences all those voices.

He cannot show weakness in front of Feng Zhi.

“I would think the reason should be obvious,” Liu Jin says with calmness he does not feel, forcing his eyes to focus on Feng Zhi’s face. “Young Master can’t.”

Feng Zhi’s golden eyes narrow.

“You presume to tell me what to do.”

“I presume nothing, Young Master. I merely point out what is true. We are in Lady Ling’s mansion. If Young Master were to attack me, Lady Ling would surely use it against you. Furthermore, it would be problematic if Young Master were to kill me so soon after Elder Cheung’s trial.”

However, is that truly what Feng Zhi cares about?

No, there is something else.

“I do not believe Young Master Feng Zhi would like it if Young Master Feng Hao were to enter this room only to find my corpse with you standing over it.”

That does it. Feng Zhi’s teeth gnash against each other, and his eyes glow like suns. The Flame grows brighter still.

Liu Jin wills away his Qi and spreads his arms.

“However, if that is what Master Feng Zhi wants, then, by all means, do so. This disciple knows he cannot win against him.”


Fierce gold wars against adamant red for a small eternity.

Feng Zhi blinks first.

His face morphs into a scowl, and the Flame in his hand fades out. Liu Jin is left alone in the room moments later.

“That went poorly.”


“You definitely handled that poorly.”

It is late at night when Liu Jin and Lu Mei finally have a moment to themselves. She leans against his side, resting her head on his chest as the two relax on a couch in what was once an office belonging to some high-ranking disciple of the Medical Pavilion. Now, it is Liu Jin’s, something that sounds much better than it is.

“Make no mistake, Feng Zhi did not make things easy for you, but Feng Zhi is far stronger than you. He can afford to make an enemy out of you even if it is not wise. Meanwhile, the only advantages you have over him are political.”

“Some would argue that is quite substantial.”

“Some would,” Lu Mei agrees. “However, that will only last for as long as Feng Zhi chooses to care about the consequences. He threatened you in Lady Ling’s house. That is not the behavior of someone sensible… although perhaps that was the point.”


“He may have thought the act would be enough to make you back down.” Lu Mei smiles. “What a pity. He underestimated your foolish valor.”

“Must you insult me in a way that seems like praise?”

“Would you prefer just the insults? You have made a powerful enemy today.” She cuddles against him, though there is a frown on her face. “It seems we are making a lot of those lately.”

Liu Jin frowns. She had told him about Huang Shing and Bei Hong already. Though he doesn’t like it, the odds of Huang Shing willingly putting aside his feud against Feng Zhi are poor.

“If my manner is so poor, shall I let you handle Huang Shing when he leaves isolation?”

“Only if you deal with Bei Hong after. He’s given me enough headaches already.”

“It is a deal.”

“Marvelous! We have dealt with one problem. Lord Feng Shang’s faction must surely be quaking in fear,” she says dryly, drawing a soft chuckle out of Liu Jin. “Finally smiling, I see. Good.”

“Thank you.” He says, wrapping an arm around her and placing a kiss on her hair. Despite its wild appearance, Liu Jin finds it surprisingly soft. “Thank you for picking up Soaring Feather for me as well.”

The last part, he says with a glance towards the corner of the room where his eagle now sleeps. He is already more than three times the size he was when he first hatched.

“Soaring Feather?” Lu Mei blinks. “Is that what we are calling him?”

“It seemed like enough time had passed for a name. What do you think?”

“I still say White Feather was better, but it is not too bad,” she drawls. “May he live up to it and soar high above his troubles.”

“May we do the same.”

Lu Mei hums in agreement, snuggling against him. For a moment, neither say anything, merely enjoy each other’s company.

“I must say I did not expect my joining a side in this conflict would end up this way,” Lu Mei says, yawning. “I expected more violence.”

“I am sure that will come in time.” Liu Jin finds himself yawning as well.

“But in the meantime…”

“Yes, I know what you mean.”

Though their respective positions in the Eternal Flame Clan have increased in the trial’s aftermath, that is by no means an enviable position. It just means there is no end of tedious tasks for them to do.  This is especially bothersome for Liu Jin, who has not found the time to focus on the task Old Jiang had left for him in the Memory Jade.

“I only managed to find five hours for cultivation last night. Now I understand why high-ranking people delegate so many of these tasks. It is not as if I joined the Medical Pavilion to practice medicine. I have some skill, but it is not something I wish to devote my life to. Certainly not if it is going to take so much time.”

“I am surprised you have any skill in that area. I had heard the Red Sky Pavilion has skilled doctors, but I did not imagine that was the sort of thing you would learn.”

Lu Mei smiles bitterly. “My mother did not give me much of a choice. She thought there were certain skills every lady should know.”

“That does not sound pleasant.”

“Few things are. I cannot complain, for she helped make me what I am.” Lu Mei frowns. “Speaking of, it would not be good if I am forced to spend too much time around Feng Zhi or anyone in his family.”

“That is a curious change in subject.”

“It is.”

“I see. Any particular reason?”

“None that I feel comfortable saying aloud.”

A noncommittal hum leaves Liu Jin’s mouth, yet he squeezes her shoulder gently for reassurance. It is not surprising Lu Mei has secrets. It is not as if he doesn’t have his fair share of them.

“Qing might not be my real name,” he says after a while.

“Might not be? What a curious way to say it. Does it have anything to do with the wife you have mentioned?”

“In a way.”


“Same to you.”




"From the moment the Flame was summoned, one had to live and one had to die. There is no other way." Needs to be fixed since both lived.

Archit Goel

Brilliant writing


I can't tell whether "Souring Feather" and "Soaring Feather" were both intenional.


I think you should replace all instances of the word "teen" with "youth". Not to get too much into the history, but I don't think the word "teen" properly reflects the antiquity that a story like this should hold.

Kendelle Trotter

This is crack and I need more of it. I've praised myself after every good chapter I've read, which is all of them, for checking out this novel even with its odd name. I honestly think just calling it the full title like it's a Japanese light novel would attract more readers. A Very Cliche Xianxia Harem Story is funny. Ave Xia Rem Y makes me expect some kind of scifi piece. Either way this is an amazing work and I look forward to reading many, many more chapters. Only a few personal preference concerns so far: - Will Lightning become a primary combat technique side by side with poison or stay supplementary to main his disguise? One of the things that attracted me to the novel was the unique poison type qi in the hands of the main character. Lightning is overdone at this point and not really something that I have any interest in. And a development like "poison lightning" wouldn't personally be something enjoyable to me. Feels tacky and contrived. - Medicine! Jin has been extremely combat focused lately and I love it. But I do hope that his medical abilities, whether that be potion crafting, min-maxing meridians, or just creating poison are brought to the forefront again soon. Him researching and both inheriting and expanding on Old Jiang's legacy are things I'm sure excited about.


“Thank you for picking up Souring Feather.... He's getting bigger and more annoying every day, but once through the teenage years he will grow into soaring feather from rotten feather 😂


Thank you for your kind words. Poison will see a return, though it may take some time. Nine-Headed Snake God marked Liu Jin pretty strongly. Same with medicine. Liu Jin's getting dragged (and dragging himself) into politics and fighting, but he'll eventually find the time for it.