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The Punishment House is easily the most humble-looking building within the Eternal Flame Clan. Barely two-stories tall, it only has five rooms and does not occupy much area. It is a simple, small house located in the northwestern sector of the compound.

That is how it looks from the outside.

Beneath the building, there are five different basement levels with five hundred and fifty-five cells in total. The first level is for disciples who have committed mild offenses. Meanwhile, the lowest level, which has the harshest security measures, is reserved for crimes so foul it has not seen use in nearly four centuries.

The existence of the Punishment House is yet another detail Khong Hu neglected to mention during the tour he gave them. Of course, it likely never occurred to him that they’d be sent here during their first month as disciples.

Life is unpredictable that way.

Lu Mei, Huang Shing, Bei Hong, and Liu Jin have all been placed in the same cell. It is only in the first level, but that doesn’t make it comfortable. There is barely any ambient Qi inside it, making it entirely unsuitable for cultivation, the opposite of an isolation chamber. Which, Liu Jin supposes, is only proper. Why should misbehaving disciples be rewarded with a good place to cultivate?

Since they are on a basement level, the cell has no windows. It also has no doors. As soon as they walked in, it automatically sealed itself, bricks appearing out of thin air to form a wall. The only source of light is a small red flame, which hovers in the center of the room.

“If I may ask, how did you get through the forest so quickly?” Liu Jin asks. He is sitting on the floor, his back against a wall.

“Flying carpet.”

Liu Jin blinks and tilts his head to the side. “Truly?”

Huang Shing nods excitedly. “Sister Mei has one! Can you believe it?!”

“I will show it to you once we get out of here. If we get out of here, that is.”

Despite her words, the look on Lu Mei’s face can only be called amused. The sides of her mouth are tense, as if she’s trying not to smile too much. Like the others, she sits on the floor with her back to one of the walls. The flame reflected on her eyes makes them shine more than usual.

“Sister Mei, please don’t say such things!” Huang Shing holds his head between his hands. “I am already nervous enough as it is.”

Bei Hong snorts and crosses his arms. He sits opposite to Huang Shing. His right leg is extended while his left knee is pulled close to his chest.

“There is nothing to be nervous about. We’ve done nothing wrong. The battle started because we were recovering items that were stolen from us. That the site of the battle was an unfortunate place is not our fault.”

Liu Jin fights back a smile. An unfortunate place. That is indeed a tactful way of putting it.

Though in their defense, how were they supposed to know things would escalate in such a manner?


“What is the meaning of this?” Feng Zhi thunders, stomping his way up to them. His overpowering presence has stopped everyone in their tracks. “Do you not realize you can not use this level of force here?”

One of the disciples opens his mouth. “Young Master, I—”

“Silence! What if you had harmed the Spring of Clear Insight! What would have happened then?”

“Young Master,” another disciple starts. “Please understand—”

“Did I not tell you to be silent!”

Feng Zhi’s words are loud. Angry. However, it is the heat that roils around his body that stops further interruption. The temperature is on a completely different level from Pan Qiu’s fireballs. This heat… if they were not as strong as they are, their lungs would have already burned from inhaling the air.

“If the Spring had been damaged, it’d be fully within my rights to kill all of you. Do you not understand that? Even right now, for daring to commit such a huge blunder, I should save everyone the trouble of dealing with your stupidity and kill you right now.”

“My, oh my, to think the Young Master is already taking administrative matters into his own hands. How impressive. It warms this Elder’s heart to know I won’t have to worry about such things anymore.”

Not a single person noticed her arrival, yet she is suddenly standing a few feet away from Feng Zhi. She is a tall woman with black hair and dark eyes—an Elder of the Eternal Flame Clan.

Liu Jin instantly recognizes her.

“Elder Xue,” Feng Zhi greets her, setting off dozens of alarms in Liu Jin’s head. “I did not expect anyone to react to this altercation so quickly.”

“It is nothing special. I merely happened to be close by. The same could be said of you.” Elder Xue smiles as she looks over his shoulder. “Although in your case, I can understand why you are here. The Spring of Clear Insight does offer quite a lovely view, doesn’t it?”

Feng Zhi flushes then pales. “Elder Xue, this is...I…”

“Your personal affairs are none of my concern.” She turns towards the assembled disciples. “This... altercation, however, is. I understand your zeal, but I must ask that you do not overstep your boundaries.”

“Of course, Elder Xue.” Feng Zhi bows his head, his expression now completely hidden. “I leave the matter in your hands.”


In hindsight, it all makes sense. The disciples who stole the herbs had not chosen that place at random. Quite the opposite, in fact. Liu Jin had only half-realized it at the time, but it is now clear there are areas within the Summer Forest that are safe for disciples to traverse. The reason those exist must be because there is something valuable in the forest that must remain readily accessible.

The Spring of Clear Insight.

The disciples had not expected them to know about the safe zones. However, because they had tracked them down, a fight ensued, and they came dangerously close to harming something the Eternal Flame Clan clearly considers valuable.

“We did nothing wrong?” Lu Mei looks up. “I wonder if it will be that simple.”

Bei Hong glares at her. “It is Bei Duyi’s fault, and you know it!”

“True,” Lu Mei admits, unmoved by Bei Hong’s anger. “However, even if it is not our fault, it can be argued we bear some responsibility. There is also the matter of trustworthiness to consider. It is their word against ours.”

“Oh.” Liu Jin says, realizing what Lu Mei is getting at. “Yes, that could complicate things.”

“Huh?” Huang Shing looks from one to the other. “What do Brother Jin and Sister Mei mean?”

“We are new disciples who have had less than a month to build a reputation,” Liu Jin explains. “Our foes have had… considerably more time. A year, at least.”

“Meanwhile,” Lu Mei says, taking over the explanation. “The two of you have certainly been making a name for yourselves, though I cannot say it is a good one. Fighting every day and crushing those beneath you. You two are certainly strong, but I cannot say you’re popular.”

“What do you mean us two?” Bei Hong asks, offended. “What about you two?”

Lu Mei points to Liu Jin with a dainty wave of her hand. “Qing Jin has been diligently working in the Apothecary, and I am a pure, delicate flower loved by all who visit the Medical Pavilion.”

Liu Jin blinks at that, his gaze snapping to Lu Mei, who stares back at him with a perfectly innocent smile.

She has been doing medical work?

No, that should not surprise him. Her perfume is almost certainly made by her own hands. Her resistance to alcohol also indicates some familiarity with poisons. Lu Mei should be more than capable of helping out in the Medical Pavilion. In fact, his Master had mentioned the Red Sky Pavilion’s medical and alchemical skill in good terms, hadn’t he?

“But don’t worry. Us, popular ones, will make sure to speak well on behalf of you two brutes,” Lu Mei adds, a teasing smile on her face.

“I will make sure to gloss over your flaws as much as possible,” Liu Jin says, not quite being able to fight the urge to join in.

Huang Shing groans. He has his arms over his knees and sinks his head in between. “Please, don’t joke about such things.”

“Are you really that worried?” Bei Hong asks. “I did not imagine you’d be so frail.”

“It is not that, Brother Hong. It’s just that... if the other disciples will have to speak about us, well, then that means Feng Zhi will do it as well, won’t he?”

Lu Mei raises an eyebrow. She is not the only one who does so. “To call the Eternal Flame Clan’s Young Master by name, that is quite daring of you.”

“You recognized him by sight,” Liu Jin notes, causing the other two to look at Huang Shing with renewed interest. “Have you… have you met him before?”

Huang Shing looks to the right, then to the left, then up, before finally looking down, trying to hide his face between his legs. “I… well… that is...”

Huang Shing’s reaction is as curious as it is unexpected. Regardless, it is clear this is not an issue Huang Shing wants to talk about. Liu Jin is about to tell him he does not need to say more (and hoping the others won’t press the issue) when...

“He stole my fiancée!”

He blurts it out all at once. Huang Shing is left panting after this proclamation as if the act of saying those words had taken a physical toll on him.

“I grew up in Soaring Cloud City and was the heir to the Huang Clan. I won’t say it is some sort of prestigious lineage. Compared to the two of you, it might not even be worth mentioning,” he tells Lu Mei and Bei Hong. “However, in Soaring Cloud City, it was something to be proud of. I was important enough that a fiancée was arranged for me since the day I was born.”

The words Huang Shing had told him hours ago flash through his mind. That’s right. He mentioned a woman is the reason he is here.

“Her name was Yi Jiao. Our fathers were close, so we practically grew up together. We were the best of friends and eventually grew to love each other. It was a truly blessed life, but then… he appeared.”

“Feng Zhi?” Bei Hong guesses. Huang Shing nods, grim-faced

“He was passing through the city. He came with so many servants and guards. It was like nothing I had seen before. Back then, we were proud to host him at our house. However, upon laying eyes on Yi Jiao, he instantly fell in love with her. When the time came for him to leave, he took her with him.”

“And since he is of the Eternal Flame Clan, none of you were able to do anything about it.” Lu Mei sums up. Huang Shing does not answer, causing Lu Mei’s eyebrows to rise further still. “Or perhaps... Did you actually try to stop him?”

“I challenged him.”

“How are you alive?” Bei Hong blurts out. It’s the most shocked Liu Jin has heard him, and with good reason. As impressive as Huang Shing is, Feng Zhi is clearly superior.

“He toyed with me, humiliated me.” Huang Shing’s fist shakes as he recounts his story. “I was not even deemed worth killing. That is why I left my home. I needed to grow stronger so that I could—”

“Stop!” Lu Mei cuts him, her voice suddenly cold.

Huang Shing looks taken aback. “Sister Mei?”

“I am saying this for your sake. It is better if you don’t say more.”

“She is right,” Liu Jin adds in a gentler tone. “Even if it is only the four of us here, there are certain things you probably shouldn’t voice in the Eternal Flame Clan.”

“Which is not to say I don’t understand where you’re coming from,” Bei Hong says, crossing his arms and nodding. “Well, personally, I think women that cause this much trouble are no good, but you’re definitely aiming high. That’s worth respecting.”

“Brother Hong…” Huang Shing says, touched.

“I mean it. Most guys in your position usually give up right away. I’ve seen it happen plenty of times.”

“It happens plenty of times?” Huang Shing repeats, shocked.

“A beautiful woman. A powerful man. It is a tale as old as time,” Lu Mei shrugs. “Being beautiful is a curse. There are many stories we could tell you, but that is a matter for another time. You’re worried Young Master Feng Zhi will speak out against you. Is that it?”

Huang Shing nods.

“While I realize this may sound a little insensitive,” Liu Jin speaks, “Brother Shing, you’re worried Feng Zhi will speak out against you, but... do you really think he will recognize you?”

Huang Shing thinks over his question for a few seconds before sighing, defeated.

“No. I don’t think he ever put me in his eyes.”

“I see. That’s...” Liu Jin trails off. It is a good thing but saying it will probably make Huang Shing feel bad. “It means that event won’t affect us.”

“However, that woman definitely recognized the two of us.”

That… Yes, that is unfortunately quite true.

Elder Xue.

The Elder in charge of the Apothecary, supposedly a fairly influential person within the Eternal Flame Clan.

She is the same Elder that tested them during the Selection Exam.

“I really don’t trust that woman.”

Not for the first time, Huang Shing sums up his feelings rather nicely.


Five days later, the walls of the cell open up. The four are escorted out of the basement. To their surprise, Elder Xue waits for them on the upper level along with Feng Zhi. Next to them is an Elder. Liu Jin recalls seeing him in the Medical Pavilion.

“I am pleased to see you are doing well,” the Elder from the Medical Pavilion tells them.

“It is only to be expected, Elder Cheung,” Lu Mei says, bowing respectfully to him. “We are not so weak a low-grade repentance cell would have any effect on us.”

“Naturally,” Elder Xue says, “Yet, we could hardly have you running around free while we deliberated. Such would be seen as favoritism. Putting you in a repentance cell was the bare minimum.”

“Does that mean there is no need to punish us now?” Huang Shing asks excitedly. Elder Cheung laughs.

“Not quite. Naturally, we have already examined your testimonies and had other disciples interrogated. Many of those who work in the Medical Pavilion spoke quite highly of Disciple Lu Mei.”

“Meanwhile, those in the Apothecary begged me not to punish you,” Elder Xue adds, looking at Liu Jin. “After examining the testimonies and evidence, it became quite clear which side was to blame for the incident. Those you fought are already going through their punishment.”

“I am personally overseeing it, so do not worry. I will make sure they properly repent.” The smile on Elder Cheung’s face as he says that is decidedly unnerving. For a moment, Liu Jin allows himself to feel sorry for his foes.

“Still, that leaves us with the matter of what to do with you,” Elder Xue continues. “You did almost destroy an important artifact of our Sect. Promising disciples, you may be, but an example must be made. It took us some time to figure out a proper punishment for you.”

Elder Cheung smiled kindly. “Why don’t we let the Young Master explain?”

“An excellent idea. Go ahead, Young Master.”

Feng Zhi stiffens as all the gazes turn to him. He takes a deep breath to calm himself, yet his eyebrow cannot stop twitching.

“I have been entrusted with the task of visiting Night Phantasm City on a diplomatic mission,” Feng Zhi says, barely hiding his irritation. “The four of you are to accompany me.”

Liu Jin blinks. He is not the only one. They are… being sent away?

On a diplomatic mission?

“You intruded upon Young Master Feng Zhi during a time of relaxation. Isn’t it natural for you to repent by making his life easier?” Elder Xue says as cheerfully brings her hands together “The four of you will serve as his attendants. Make no mistake, while you are outside, you will be representing the Eternal Flame Clan. Any mistake on your part will be reported by the Young Master. This, it has been decided, is the best use of your time.”

Feng Zhi’s eye twitches at that.

“So please, make sure not to embarrass yourselves out there.”




I quite like the direction the story is taking so far, and am becoming excited to see what Lui's motivations are at the moment. I still do want at least a hint about what is slowing his cultivation, though... perhaps an extreme focus on developing technique?


I see this is a rough love elder

David Wei

Man I can't wait until the 4 current waifu candidates meet each other. Also really interested in what's going to happen with this mission. Will Huang get his waifu back?

David Wei

"Oh that could complete things" should be complicate Also Qing instead of Qin when Lu Mei is talking about Lui Jin.