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“I am happy to see you are in good health.”

“I apologize for making you worry, father.”

Father and son look at each other for several silent seconds. Even without saying a single word, they can understand each other perfectly. The slightest change in their expressions says more than a hundred words. It is a testament to how close they are. 

“Dr. Liu, that’s wrong!”

Unfortunately for Su An, she is completely unable to read either of them. 

“You cannot be so understanding with him,” she says, pointing at Liu Jin. “If you are, Boss will do something like this again. If that happens, this Su An will most become an old woman before her time.”

Faced with the distraught Su An, Liu Jianguo smiles gently.

“It is natural to be concerned. Tournaments can be quite dangerous, after all. But for that very reason, I had already come to terms with this possibility.” 

“You had?”

Liu Jin blinks then blushes when he realizes he spoke at the same time as Su An. His father nods.

“It is as I told you before, son. This is not the first tournament I have been witness to.”

It is not exactly what he said before. Before the tournament, his father had been telling Liu Jin about his experience participating in tournaments. Su An’s presence, however, means his father is not going to tell him any stories about those right now. Not for the first time, Liu Jin curses his late-night conversation with Xiao Fang. Had it not been for that, he’d have probably been able to talk with his father a little more yesterday. 

His father’s past, it seems, will remain as elusive as ever for now.

“I have seen what the pressure of a tournament can do to people, especially those who are still young. Ambition. Grudges. Hopes. It is a dangerous combination. From the moment you told me you would participate, I anticipated something like this. You are, after all, my son. You have unfortunately inherited much of my stubbornness.”

That is… 

Liu Jin frowns.

Is his father right? 

Liu Jin would like to tell himself that the only reason he got into the ring with Yun Han is due to the task Xiao Nan left for him. If that talk hadn’t happened… If he had then not revealed anything to Xiao Fang, then surely he wouldn’t have fought Yun Han.


That Liu Jin cannot answer the question immediately worries him.

It is possible—probable even—that Liu Jin would have fought Yun Han even if Xiao Nan had never talked to him. Maybe there is a part of him that wanted the fight to happen, and the tournament just provided the circumstances for it. The notion is one Liu Jin is not comfortable with, yet it does not feel like one he can dismiss. The more he thinks about it, the more right it sounds.

Maybe he wanted to fight Yun Han. 

Could it be that he is actually stubborn?

“If you knew, then why did you allow Boss to participate, Dr. Liu?” Su An’s tone is not accusing, but rather truly confused. She is utterly mystified, having expected a bigger reaction from his father after the fight with Yun Han. 

To be honest, so had Liu Jin.

“I have complete faith in my son’s ability. If I had felt otherwise, I would have asked him not to participate.”

He would have asked, and Liu Jin would have obeyed without question. 

As much as he likes Xiao Nan, having to choose between Xiao Nan and his father isn’t a choice at all.

Su An groans into her hands. Her hair falls over her face.

“Doctor Liu, please don’t be so supportive right now. Boss needs to be scared away from being reckless.”

Liu Jin pats her shoulder.

“I promise I will be more careful next time.”

“Don’t guarantee there will be a next time, Boss!”

“At the very least, I cannot guarantee there will not not be a next time.”

“To not even have the decency to lie to me. Boss has become heartless.”

Su An does not bother to speak softly, yet their little argument does not attract any attention from those around them, which is surprising seeing as they are not in the Xiao Sect’s private room but seated amidst the large crowd instead. 

One would think the presence of two fighters who made it to the Top 16 would cause a huge commotion. Liu Jin, in particular, fought Yun Han mere moments ago in what ended up being the best match of the tournament so far. 

By all means, their presence should demand the attention of those around them.

It doesn’t.

It is not because they are using some sort of wondrous technique to keep themselves hidden. They are also not using some sort of one-of-a-kind elixir or item. No, the source of their anonymity is far more mundane.

They just changed their clothes.

Su An and Liu Jin are not wearing their Xiao Sect robes. Instead, they have changed into plain robes that will not stand out from the crowd. That is all it takes for them to go unnoticed. 

It should be unthinkable for it to be so easy. After all, Liu Jin and Su An are now amidst the same people that cheered for them but a few moments ago. 

Yet, no one notices them. 

Members of the Xiao Sect, Su An and Liu Jin may be, but they are also just two children in the middle of a crowd. 

Without the robes of the Xiao Sect, there is nothing to distinguish them from everyone else as long as they make sure not to raise their Qi. People may have seen them fight, but they did so from a safe distance. Perhaps, if they were to look closely at their faces, they would recognize the two. However, no one has any reason to pay attention to them. Everyone is either talking to each other about Liu Jin and Yun Han’s match or watching as the new ring is put into the arena. 

Thanks to Yun Han’s Severing Palm, the ring was destroyed, broken in half and then further shattered by Yun Han’s anger. Though Liu Jin did less damage, his poison did melt some of the rubble. As a result the tournament is now in the middle of an intermission while the broken ring is taken out and replaced by a new one.

It is actually fairly impressive to watch.

The audience oohs and ahs as two adult disciples—one from the Xiao Sect and one from the Yun Sect—clear out the rubble and then carry a huge stone ring over their shoulders into the arena. 

“Should you not go down?” Liu Jin asks, hoping to change the subject. He points at the newly instated ring. After all, Su An is still in the tournament.

“There is no point.” Su An clicks her tongue, a dark look on her face. “My next fight is against Big Nose.”

Liu Jin is left blinking. Certainly, Big Nose Li is strong, but not to the point where Su An should consider her loss a foregone conclusion. Any fight between them would be close and would, more often than not, end with Su An’s victory, though Liu Jin may be biased in thinking so.

“We’re both disciples of the Xiao Sect, so we decided to settle it via rock paper scissors.” Su An looks away. In a tiny voice, she adds, “I was sure he’d pick rock.”

Ah. That explains it. A pity.

“Since we already agreed I’ll be the one to give up, there is no point going down there,” 

Though Su An tries to sound casual about it, Liu Jin can tell how frustrated she is underneath her facade.

“It may be for the best,” Liu Jin says. “After beating him, your next fight would have been against Yun Han.”

Su An gives him a flat stare.

“Boss, this Su An is not tired of living. As he is right now, only Boss and Young Master Xiao Fang would dare put themselves in Yun Han’s way.”

Left unsaid was that Xiao Fang is actually capable of protecting himself from Yun Han. Unlike Liu Jin.

Liu Jin is about to reply when something catches his eye.

“Excuse me,” he says, rising to his feet. He nods in his father’s direction. “I will be back soon.”

Su An tries to say something, but he’s already far away.


“I was not expecting you to still be here.”

“Should I not be? Tournaments are meant to entertain people, and I find myself wanting to be entertained.”

“And have your needs been sated?”

“Oh, most definitely. You have proven yourself quite entertaining.”

Song Daiyu’s smile is entirely too satisfied for his liking. 

“It is not often one gets the opportunity to humiliate a competitor so publically. Congratulations.”

Liu Jin sighs.

“Unfortunately, I cannot say I am fond of the experience. If that is your preference, perhaps you may enjoy working with my brother-in-law instead.” Liu Jin jerks his head in the direction of the ring where Xiao Fang’s match has already begun. He doubts it will last more than a few seconds.

“Unthinkable.” Song Daiyu places a hand over her chest and adopts a helpless expression. “Can you imagine what would happen to an innocent young maiden such as myself if put near such a brash young man?”

Liu Jin gives her a flat stare.

“Somehow, I’d be more worried about my brother-in-law if such a thing were to happen.”

“I see you are in possession of an honest tongue. What a refreshing yet regretful malady.”

“Putting that matter aside,” Liu Jin says, realizing that he is already getting caught in her pace. It is fun, but there are more pressing concerns right now. “I wonder how safe it is for you to be here today. The Yun Sect is not in the best of moods right now.”

Song Daiyu defeated a disciple of the Yun Sect yesterday. Normally, the defeat of a mere Inner Disciple would not matter much. At least, not when the fight between Yun Han and Xiao Fang looms on the horizon.

However, one has to consider Yun Han’s fight with Liu Jin.

After something like that, the Yun Sect will be looking for someone to make an example of. Usually, it’d be unthinkable for the Yun Sect to brazenly touch someone of Song Daiyu’s status, but the Yun Sect does not know who she is at the moment. The possibility of them accidentally harming her is not low.

Song Daiyu, however, does not look worried. If anything, she seems a bit disappointed. 

“Ah, that’s no good. A more cunning man would have aimed the Yun Sect towards me. Can you imagine how bad the repercussions for them would be if they dared to hurt a daughter of the Song clan?”

“Such things are not something I am interested in.”

Song Daiyu pouts.

“You’re no fun outside the ring.”

“I merely do not find the prospect of placing you in danger entertaining.”

“In danger?” Song Daiyu laughs. “Do you truly think any of the members of the Yun Sect present in this stadium represent a threat towards my person? Please, I happen to like you, so try not to disappoint me.” 

Liu Jin frowns. Does she have some way to prove her identity then? Most likely, but her confidence does not seem born from just that. 

Was she holding back during their fight?

“Would you let something bad happen to me, Shitou?”

“As long as this servant is around, not even a speck of dust will touch Mistress’ body.”

Liu Jin takes a step back.

A man appears out of nowhere, suddenly looming over Song Daiyu. Though not quite as tall as Xiao Zheng, he is undoubtedly wider. Liu Jin doubts there is much fat on his body. The man’s face and body look like they have been carved out of stone. 

His sudden appearance is not due to something like Art of the Roaming Thief or a trick of speed. His form just suddenly becomes visible from one moment to the next. 

“As you can see, there is no need for you to worry about me. Though your concern is appreciated, do not be so foolish as to think a daughter of the Song family would ever travel without protection.”

“I… see.”

“Well, although I say that, I must admit I will not be present to see how this quaint, little play ends. I trust I don’t have to explain why.”

Liu Jin shakes his head in negative. 

“No. I understand, and I wish you safe travels.”

During the first two days of the tournament, the only members of the Yun and Xiao Sect present have been those participating. Even the two disciples who put the new ring in place had to be called here. 

However, that will not be the case during the final day of the tournament.

The final match will be between Yun Han and Xiao Fang. Everyone knows that.

Isn’t it natural for their fathers to be present?



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