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The Top 16 have been chosen. The first day of the tournament is over, and people start leaving the arena, happy and content. They talk about the matches on their way home, some of them trying to reenact them with wild, exaggerated movements. Others, the ones who bet wisely, collect their winnings for the day and go celebrate.

Most of all, people talk about the fights tomorrow would bring. The tournament brackets have been announced. Whether they are competitors or spectators, there is one fight that has caught everyone’s eyes.

Liu Jin vs. Yun Han.

The Young Master of the Yun Sect against the Xiao Sect’s Patriarch’s son-in-law. This will not be just a regular fight between disciples of the Yun and Xiao Sects. It will be the clearest conflict between the top Sects of Eastern Port City so far. It is no wonder people are excited about it. 

This should go without saying, but no one thinks Yun Han will lose.

It is not that people think Liu Jin is weak. Certainly, that was the case when the tournament began. Liu Jin was carrying the stigma of being in the First Level of the Inner Realm for three years. That is not something people can overlook, and surrendering the first match had not won him any admirers. 

However, the subsequent matches were quick to change people’s minds. Once they saw how easily Cui Tian was defeated by Yun Han, they understood why Liu Jin had given up. Once they saw how easily Liu Jin defeated Cai Chin, they acknowledged his strength. His fight against Fu was similarly well-received. 

Unfortunately, the opponent now is Yun Han.

Yes, it is not that people think Liu Jin is weak. They just understand how incredibly strong Yun Han is. While Liu Jin managed to defeat people with higher levels of cultivation than him, those people cannot be compared to Yun Han. As the Yun Sect’s Young Master, he is stronger than his level of cultivation would suggest.

It was a lesson Cui Tian learned the hard way.

It is only natural for the audience to assume Yun Han will win.

To be honest, even Liu Jin doesn’t know whether it is possible for him to win or not.

“Boss! Come on! Let’s go celebrate!”

Su An’s voice breaks him out of his thoughts, and this time, Liu Jin finds the interruption is a welcome one. The girl is grinning from ear to ear, and with good reason. Not only has she passed to the next round of the tournament, but the Xiao Sect has taken seven spots out of the Top 16.

Of the remaining spots, six belong to the Yun Sect and three to the top disciples of other factions.

Though some would try to deny it, the Xiao Sect has won the first day of the tournament.

“I don’t know if I should,” Liu Jin says. Right now, what he wants is to talk with his father and see if he will share a few more stories about his past with him.

“Brother-in-law, please. This is a night for celebration,” Xiao Fang tells him. “Do join us.” 

“Of course,” Liu Jin replies, putting a smile on his face. “How thoughtless of me.”

Since the Xiao Sect had a good performance tonight, it is only natural that they’ll want to celebrate. How can Liu Jin be missing from such an occasion? It is not something Liu Jin thinks about often, but he is an important figure within the Xiao Sect now. His actions reflect on the reputation of the Xiao Sect, whether he likes it or not. 

“Allow me a moment to tell my father. He is probably wondering where I am.”

“There is no need,” Xiao Fang says. He looks at two of the disciples who lost and barks out orders. “You two! Go see Doctor Liu and inform him his son will celebrate with us. If Doctor Liu needs help with anything, you will do your best to help him.” A pause. Xiao Fang frowns. “If he wishes to join us, he is free to do so.”

Liu Jin blinks.




When Xiao Fang started talking, Liu Jin wasn’t sure if he wanted to annoy him or if he was just clumsily trying to help. Now… he is still not sure. Regardless, those words just now were not something Xiao Fang would have uttered even a few weeks ago. 

“Why the two of us, Young Master?”

“Because you lost,” Xiao Fang snapped at the foolish disciple who had spoken. “And unlike Hou Tao, you cannot even say you lost to Yun Han.”

Dejected looks appear on the disciples’ faces, but they accept their punishment regardless. 

“Alright,” Xiao Fang says, slapping his hands together. “Let’s go.”


To Liu Jin’s surprise, they do not go to the Xiao Sect’s compound but rather to a well-known establishment within the city where even one dish costs more than some people make in a month. A normal person would have to make a reservation many moons in advance, but they are the Xiao Sect. They are given a private room right away, and servants bring them food and wine. Some even play music for them.

In hindsight, Liu Jin should have expected something like this. 

Certainly, the Xiao Sect has nothing to envy of a place like this, but what is the point of celebrating in one’s own home? They are meant to be treating themselves. More importantly, they are meant to be seen treating themselves. As with many things, it is all about appearance. The Xiao Sect must be seen indulging in extravagance, so the people will see how wealthy and successful they are.

It is the way of things.

“And then I said, ‘Kowtow before this daddy!’”

“We know. We were there. We were all there.”

“Ha! Jealousy is such an ugly thing! If the crowd did not cheer for you as much, then it is simply because my fights were more entertaining.”

“Entertaining? Why, I guess the sight of a fool almost losing because he played with his opponent for too long can be considered entertaining for some. People do love to watch dumb animals.”

“Y-You dare!”

“You are not drinking. Is it not to your liking?”

Liu Jin blinks, suddenly distracted from the argument between Su An and Big Nose Li. Xiao Fang is seated beside him, and Liu Jin is not sure when that happened.

“There is no point,” Liu Jin says, holding up his still full cup. “Even if I drink, I will not get drunk.”

“Some people drink just to enjoy the taste.”

“Truly?” Liu Jin asks. “How curious. Still, is it alright for them to be like that?”

By them, he means all the other disciples in the room. Their faces are flushed with alcohol, all of them are focused on Big Nose Li and Su An’s argument, each one already taking sides. 

“It is no problem,” Xiao Fang says, shaking his head. “They are being foolish, but it’s not as if the alcohol will have any lasting effects.”

After all, they are all in the Nascent Realm. Liu Jin is the only person in the Xiao Sect’s delegation who is still in the Inner Realm. 

“It is okay if you surrender.”

The cup almost slips from Liu Jin’s hands. Xiao Fang’s words may echo his thoughts, but they are not something Liu Jin was expecting to hear. He certainly wasn’t expecting Xiao Fang, of all people, to broach the subject so bluntly, much less for him to tell him to surrender.

“It is annoying, but this is one situation in which there is no shame in surrendering. I am sure everyone else is expecting you to do so.”

Xiao Fang is probably right, Liu Jin realizes. It is why Su An hasn’t expressed a shred of concern over his upcoming match. She is not worrying over what Yun Han will do to him, because she is confident he won’t fight him. It is why everyone can laugh freely right now. They truly think they have no need to worry.

“I was not expecting you to be so understanding, brother-in-law.”

Xiao Fang snorts. “Yun Han is dangerous. It would be different if you were a normal Inner Disciple, but you are my brother-in-law. If you give him the opportunity to harm you, he will most certainly take it.”

And that is the question, isn’t it?

Will Liu Jin give Yun Han that opportunity?

Certainly, one can say he won his spar against Xiao Fang, but to compare the two situations would be the height of foolishness. From the beginning, Xiao Fang never had any intention of taking him seriously. He did not walk into that spar with the intention of seriously harming Liu Jin. The same cannot be said of Yun Han. If Liu Jin chooses to fight him, he will fight someone who is not only superior to him in strength but who’ll have no qualms about causing him harm.

Furthermore, Yun Han has seen him fight. He will not let his guard down as easily as his other opponents. 

“Let me tell you this right now, do not let your luck against me cloud your judgment. If you fight Yun Han, you will lose. A miracle will not repeat itself twice. In fact, if we were to fight right now, you would lose to me.”

Liu Jin hums.

“That is true.”

“Good. I wanted to hear you say that.”

Liu Jin snorts but says nothing. In truth, there is no reason why he should fight Yun Han. From the beginning, his goal has never been to win the tournament. 

As far as Liu Jin is concerned, his Eastern Port City Tournament is already a success. He made it to the Top 16 and even met Song Daiyu. There is no need for him to put himself at risk by fighting Yun Han.

“If you keep that blank look on your face, I cannot tell what you’re thinking.” Xiao Fang sounds irritated. “All I know is that it’s probably nothing good.”

“My apologies, I was merely thinking you have been uncharacteristically cordial with me today.”

“It has been impressed upon me that the Xiao Sect would be better served by us cooperating. Thus, regardless of my personal feelings, I am trying to get along with you.”


“Is that a problem? Were you expecting me to say something more profound?”

“Not really.” If anything, it makes it easier to accept Xiao Fang’s sudden change in attitude. “It is rather soothing.”

“So? Are you really thinking about it?”

“About what?”

“Fighting Yun Han.”

Liu Jin thins his lips. 

“As your brother-in-law, I should mention that if you want to be beaten to near death, I will be more than happy to do it. There is no need to involve Yun Han.”

Liu Jin ignores the joke. 

At least, Liu Jin hopes it is a joke.

“You’re right.”

“I am right about many things, brother-in-law. You’ll have to be clearer.”

“About us working together, I mean.” Liu Jin pauses for a moment, mentally debating something before turning to Xiao Fang.

“Xiao Nan gave me a mission before he left.”


The next day Liu Jin steps into the ring. The audience cheers as usual, and it is clear their cheers are for Yun Han. Some of them are certain Liu Jin will surrender.

“Yun Han of the Yun Sect vs. Liu Jin of the Xiao Sect!”

The announcer calls out their names, and he waits for Liu Jin to raise his hand in surrender. He is not the only one. Members from the audience, participants, and even those from his own Sect wait for the words to come from Liu Jin’s lips.

They don’t.

The silence stretches until nervous sweat drips down the announcer’s forehead. Yun Han’s eyes blink in surprise before a smile spreads across his face. The anticipation from the audience builds with every passing second, and all of it is deposited on the announcer’s raised hand, weighing it down until it can stand it no more. 

The hand comes down.





I'm cackling at the dynamic between Liu Jin and Xiao Fang. The latter projects his insecurities onto Liu Jin because of his amiably bland mask, and the former is just wilful and connected enough to avoid getting steamrolled.

David Wei

I'm trying to think of what Lui Jin's plan is, and the only one that makes sense is that he's trying to get Yun Han to reveal some trick. After that, I'm expecting Jin to just step out of the Ring and forfeit. Considering that the roaming thief is so good at escaping, I think he can force something out of Yun Han.