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Guess who had spine surgery and totally kicked its ass?

Well, not me. I pretty much just lay there and took it. I am only here thanks to God and a damn good team of doctors. It's been a pretty overwhelming experience. In a good way.

Anyway, the good part is that I'm all mobile and stuff. No paralysis for this guy. The downside is that I am still not capable of sitting for long periods of time, which brings us to the subject of this post. See, I have the next couple of chapters all done, but I am not really in any position to edit them. I mean, I could try, but you'd be getting a half-assed job at best. 

So, I am sorry to say there won't be an update next Monday or the one after that. I thought I'd be capable of least proof-reading while I recovered, but I both over and underestimated my recovery speed.

To make up for this, I have paused the March billing cycle. In other words, you guys will not be charged when March 1 comes. 

Updates should resume right after that and continue as normal.

To recap, there won't be new chapters for any tier on February 17 and 24. The story will also go on hold on Royal Road and other sites for those weeks. Patrons will not be charged on March 1 to make up for this inconvenience. 

Updates will return to normal starting March 2.

Thank you all for your patience. 



Glad you are all OK. Health is most important so take your time recovering.

Morog T Tiny

good luck and good health


I'd be hesitant to do any form of ass-kicking during spine surgery :S Glad things went well


Get well soon my man