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The Human Realms of Cultivation

Foundational Realm: The lowest of all Cultivation Realms. The one all humans are born into. People are expected to eventually leave this Realm. Failing to do so is usually a sign that something is wrong.​ It is also likely to attract quite a bit of mockery.

Inner Realm: The second Realm of Cultivation. Much like the Foundational Realm, this is a level people are expected to overcome. However, when exactly do they reach it and when do they leave it varies greatly. Someone like Liu Jin who reached the Inner Realm before he was ten and left it before he was thirteen is pretty impressive in Eastern Port City.​

Nascent Realm: For most people, this tends to be the limit. They'll reach it (eventually) but they won't go further. As an aside, there is an important difference between reaching a Realm while your body is still young and reaching it in your latter years. While the increased Qi will rejuvenate you to some degree, a twenty-year-old who has just reached the Nascent Realm will be in far a better position to take advantage of it compared to someone who does so in his fifties.​

Spirit Realm: In smaller areas, people can go their entire lives without seeing someone in the Spirit Realm. In New Moon Town, the only one in this level was Xiao Ding. This is not a level you can reach naturally. You need to train seriously, meditate, and all that stuff.​

True Realm: The mid-point. If you have reached this Realm, you're almost definitely someone important (well, it varies). You could even start your own faction and be pretty successful depending on where you do it.​

Earth Realm: Heavy. Kinda of a pain. Most certainly powerful.​

Heaven Realm: The Realm where you start having to endure Tribulation Lightning to advance. Fairly troublesome. Dao? What's that? Some sort of food?​

Renegade Realm: Super troublesome. People who reach the Heaven Realm will often avoid this Realm, deeming the inherent mental instability far too dangerous.​

Emperor Realm: If you have reached this level, you get to have an ego. You took all the trials, and now you get to bask in your super awesomeness. What? Go beyond? Eh, do you really want to?​


David Wei

Are the ??? because you don't know what you're going to put there, or because they contain spoilers for the story?


Because spoilers. They aren't big surprises, but I hope to get at least an "Oh, that's nice" when the time comes to reveal them.