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Patreon, why you gotta keep changing things.

Manage Posts was a perfectly fine way to, you know, manage posts. Took me like five minutes to figure out I was supposed to hit Library now, and then five minutes more because it kept failing to load.

I'm seriously considering setting up a patreon alternative just in case. The patreon interface insists on fixing things that don't need fixing, often with poor results.

Anyway, here are the week's chapters:

Chapter 280: Appeal is now available for Core Disciples.

Chapter 276: Emperor, Emperor, and Emperor is now available for Inner Disciples.

Interlude: Under Clear Skies, Interlude: Her Name III, and Interlude: Divine Frozen Palace IV  are now available for Outer Disciples.

For all our new patrons, here is a list of all the chapters you get to catch up on. Note that, depending on your tier, you might not be able to view all of them yet.


Tobias Hammeken Arboe

I've only heard good things about Ko-Fi, amongst other that they don't do 8% hell tax on all income

Further Beyond

I make a big deal of deciding to choose supporting someone on Patreon. Seeing 'suggested for you' with big join buttons on my homepage makes me quite miffed.