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“So, you are the one who defeated me.”

Liu Jin has seen Lord Feng Shang before. However, it is the first time the distance separating him from the man is less than a few feet. It makes it even easier to see the already obvious resemblance between the two brothers. Lord Feng Shang and Lord Feng Gui share the same fierce red hair and golden eyes of the Feng Clan. Only the lines on Lord Feng Shang’s face and his far calmer demeanor differentiate the siblings.

Liu Jin hopes Lord Feng Shang’s calm remains undisturbed.

“Lord Feng Shang,” Liu Jin begins with some hesitation and no small amount of confusion, “you praise me too much. How could I possibly have defeated you?”

A small smile appears on Lord Feng Shang’s face.

“You do not have siblings, do you?” Lord Feng Shang asks.

Liu Jin shakes his head. “I do not, Lord Feng Shang.”

“It shows,” Lord Feng Shang says. “Know that it is easier for me to say that I lost to you than to admit my younger brother defeated me. Thus, as far as I am concerned, you are the one who defeated me. First, by helping Elder Xue gain the Medical Pavilion. Then, through your actions in the Dead Plains.”

Liu Jin blinks.

“Lord Feng Shang, this one has only recently reached the Earth Realm. Is it really better to say you lost to someone like me than to consider Lord Feng Gui bested you?”

“Consider everything you know about my brother.” 

Liu Jin does.

Two seconds later, he looks down and drinks from his tea.

“A good argument, Lord Feng Shang.”

“It is the sum of my experiences,” Lord Feng replies. “My brother is insufferable at the best of times. It is bad enough he is going to be the next Patriarch. There is no need to give him more things to hold over my head.”

Lord Feng Shang shrugs his shoulders. “What can you do?” the gesture seems to say.

Liu Jin is still not sure what’s going on.

Despite Huang Shing inviting himself and Fan Bingbing to his and Lu Mei’s wagon, the trip back to the Eternal Flame Clan had been enjoyable. It had been a while since Liu Jin spent time with his friends without having to worry about his various responsibilities. For a few blessed hours, he was just Liu Jin.

Alas, all that ended as soon as they reached the end of the Ash Road. Two Core Disciples were waiting for them with orders to escort Liu Jin to Lord Feng. They had not threatened them, though seeing as they were both in the upper levels of the Earth Realm, some could argue that their presence constituted a threat. Regardless, Liu Jin allowed himself to be escorted, reassuring everyone that there was no reason to worry.

In hindsight, Liu Jin should have asked which Lord Feng they were referring to. Rather than being brought to Patriarch Feng or Lord Feng Gui, the Core Disciples brought him to Lord Feng Shang’s estate, where the Emperor Realm cultivator was waiting for him in his courtyard with tea ready for them to drink. 

It all makes little sense. Lord Feng Shang should bear some sort of grudge against him. It is as the man said. Liu Jin is somewhat responsible for helping Lord Feng Gui win the position of Patriarch. People have tried to kill him for less.

So, why is the man treating him so amicably?

“This is no trap,” Lord Feng Shang says, putting his cup down. “I realize telling someone to be calm usually encourages the opposite, so I will not. Instead, know at least four Emperor Realm cultivators have their attention on us. That is far too many witnesses for me to do anything to you.”

Oddly enough, that does make Liu Jin feel better.

“Of course, even if they were not watching, you would not be in any danger from me,” Lord Feng Shang adds. “Hard as this might be to believe, I bear no grudge toward you.”

“My lord, you began this conversation by saying you lost to me,” Liu Jin points out. 

“I did,” Lord Feng Shang admits, “and I would be a very small person if I raged after every loss like some sullen child. I will forgive you for thinking of me in those terms since I have not given the best impression of myself.”

Liu Jin wisely decides to remain silent.

“You can say it if you wish to,” Lord Shang says as if reading his thoughts. “I have already thought far worse of myself. I allowed a traitor to get the best of me. I freed a monster. I nearly killed my nephew. All for nothing. I was foolish and short-sighted, and my brother will be the next Patriarch because of it. How can I bear a grudge against you when I so clearly deserved to lose?”

Lord Feng Shang does not sound angry or resentful when he speaks. He feels resigned. His words seem more directed at himself than at Liu Jin.

“Lord Feng Shang, why am I here?” 

“I already said it, did I not? You are the one who defeated me. How can I not be curious about you?” Lord Feng Shang replies. “Our paths have been opposed since the day you entered the Eternal Flame Clan, and you have only grown more interesting with time. I am no longer speaking to one of our newest Core Disciples but to the Emperor of the Storm Dragon Empire.”


“You have heard,” Liu Jin says, perhaps pointlessly. He already knew the Eternal Flame Clan had been informed of his ties to the Divine Frozen Palace. It would be foolish to think they hadn’t learned what is already known throughout the Storm Dragon Empire.

“You are not foolish enough to think I wouldn’t,” Lord Feng Shang rebukes. “However, I imagine it is the specifics that you are curious about. After all, the truth is one thing; the news that has reached us is another, and what you wish for us to believe will be something else still.” 

Feng Shang laughs and bites on a cookie. 

“You are of royal blood. I think that much has been proved beyond all doubt. It is the rest that is not clear. Some believe you have been a pawn of General Nie Dan from the start. Given how everything turned out, it is a strong possibility. However, your clear ties to the Divine Frozen Palace are far more worrying to us. While General Nie Dan can be negotiated with, the Divine Frozen Palace represents a direct competitor. Despite their reputation, they can be quite vicious when it suits them.” Lord Feng Shang smiles with melancholy. “You would hardly be the first person to be enchanted by them.” 

“I imagined it would be seen like that,” Liu Jin says, hanging his head. “Lord Feng Shang, hard as this might be to believe, my connection to the Divine Frozen Palace was pure happenstance. I was engaged to the daughter of the Xiao Sect’s Patriarch.”

“The Xiao Sect?” Lord Feng Shang interrupts. “Ah, Eastern Port City. I see.”

Liu Jin stares.

It is not surprising that Lord Feng Shang can make the connection. It is known that Eastern Port City was the home of the Xiao Sect, and it is known Eastern Port City fell. That is all information one can find with some effort.

However, that Lord Feng Shang can instantly make the connection is worrying. 

Either the man is really that smart, or he already looked into it.

“Yes,” Liu Jin says. “However, his daughter was scouted by the Divine Frozen Palace. Only due to Lady Meng Yue’s kindness were we allowed to be married before she was taken away. That is the extent of my connection to the Divine Frozen Palace.”

“Meng Yue?” Lord Feng Shang exclaims, surprise appearing on his face. “That oaf of a woman took a disciple? She allowed her to be married? Lady Bai let her handle matters of diplomacy?”

With each question, his voice grows louder until he snorts and laughs in a rather undignified way.

“Lord Feng Shang?”

“That Meng Yue would recruit this girl in person means her talent must be immense. There is no way any of the other Four Fairies would let her handle such a delicate matter,” Lord Feng Shang says. “Your story is outlandish… And yet, I begin to believe you precisely because of that. It would be just like her to do something like this without telling anyone.”

Liu Jin tilts his head to the side. “You know Lady Meng Yue?”

“My brother and I are familiar with the Five Faeries,” Feng Shang says. “Some more than others.”

There is an odd tinge in his voice. However, Lord Feng Shang does not have the opportunity to elaborate. A female voice interrupts their conversation.

“Oh? Are you still talking?” 

Liu Jin turns as a woman who can only be Lady Feng walks into the courtyard. Liu Jin saw her briefly at a banquet once, but just as with Lord Feng Shang, it is the first time he is so close to her. There is a softness to her features, an undeniable gentleness to her face and brown eyes. She is beautiful, though in a different way than someone like Lady Ling. Her black hair is styled simply, a single jade pin holding it in place. Similarly, her robes, though still suitable to her station, are far less ostentatious than something Lady Ling would wear.

“One cannot be blamed for indulging in their curiosity,” Lord Feng Shang replies as his wife moves to stand beside him. “Especially when the subject of one’s curiosity is so very curious.”

Lady Feng laughs softly and places a hand on her husband’s shoulder. 

“Dear, if you have been speaking like that all this time, I cannot imagine how uncomfortable you must have made him.” Lady Feng’s eyes meet his. “Do forgive him, Disciple Qing. My husband can be rather inconsiderate about his interests. I have heard so much about you that I feel as though I already know you.”

The woman smiles reassuringly, but Liu Jin does not feel reassured in the slightest. If she is telling the truth, it means Lord Feng Shang has been investigating him and following his exploits.  

For how long?

“Oh, forgive me! I have been rude,” Lady Feng says, bringing a hand to her mouth. “I called you Disciple Qing, but perhaps it would be more accurate to use Your Majesty?”

Liu Jin recognizes the question for what it is: a test. To make Lady Ling and Lord Feng use ‘Your Majesty’ to address him would mean he is enforcing his status as Emperor of the Storm Dragon Empire. However, if he accepts being addressed as Disciple Qing, it would mean he is submitting to the authority of the Eternal Flame Clan.

Which one is he willing to prioritize?

“I am still uncomfortable at being addressed as His Majesty, and it is not as if I have renounced my position as a disciple,” Liu Jin admits before adding, “However, despite the many kindnesses I have been shown, I am not just here to explain myself to the Eternal Flame Clan. I am here to represent the Storm Dragon Empire and negotiate for its interests first and foremost. I hope you will overlook this insolence.” 

Lady Feng looks at him with new eyes.

“I see my husband was right about you,” she says. “What a pity it has taken us this long to meet. To think your ears were wasted on Lady Ling’s boorish talk.”

Liu Jin sees a flicker of hostility reflected in Lady Feng’s eyes. It is gone before she takes a seat next to her husband.

“Rest assured, the Eternal Flame Clan has every intention of supporting you,” Lady Feng says. She glances to the side. “Something I am sure my husband neglected to mention.”

Lord Feng Shang laughs. “I might take a little too long to make my points. A bad habit of mine.”

“Oh, dear.” Lady Feng shakes her head before she continues talking. “The Eternal Flame Clan has no reason to allow such an outstanding person to fall for the empty wiles of the Divine Frozen Palace.”

For the second time, Liu Jin sees hostility in Lady Feng’s brown eyes. 

This time, it is a roaring inferno.


Lord Feng and Lady Feng are clearly trying to win him over. 

Liu Jin has been affiliated with Lord Feng Gui’s faction so far, but Lord Feng Shang and his wife are letting him know it doesn’t need to remain that way. They are presenting themselves not as distant, ominous figures but as people with interests, relationships, and flaws that he can depend on should he choose to.

Furthermore, by offering their support in such a public way, they are forcing Lord Feng Gui to match them; otherwise, he could risk pushing Liu Jin away. It is a good gift. It means he will not have to worry too much about justifying his position as Emperor. However, his relationship with the Divine Frozen Palace is clearly going to be a hurdle.

It is something he needs to consider carefully when Elder Xue is not staring directly at him.

The Elder in charge of the Apothecary and the Medical Pavilion looks at him without anger. She also looks at him without any emotion whatsoever. Clinically. Liu Jin can only try to match her stare, instinctively understanding that if he blinks even once, he’ll lose.

To his surprise, Elder Xue looks away first.

“I find myself torn,” she says. “By all accounts, you have not done anything wrong. Placing yourself as Emperor of the Storm Dragon Empire is controversial and will have to be discussed, but you have exceeded every possible expectation. This is your triumph. I feel somewhat proud.”

Liu Jin feels his cheeks burn a little.

“However,” she says, her tone growing harsher. “I still feel you should be punished.”

Liu Jin sighs.

“Odious Crown Imperials?”

She gives a terse nod. 

“Odious Crown Imperials.”


Mini-Character List

Liu Jin: Our Protagonist. Has returned.

Lord Feng Shang: Lord Feng Gui’s older brother. Has had some time to reflect. 

Lady Feng: Lord Feng Shang’s wife. May have some grudges. 

Elder Xue: Elder of the Eternal Flame Clan. In charge of the Apothecary and Medical Pavilion. Proud but angry.



Wait who are the four emperors? Probably Gui and Xue… the other two? I can think maybe Xun and the blacksmithing elder? Or the exploration elder?


That the tree that was beginning to show signs of sapience? Is our boy gonna get a Tree Companion? 🥺


Feng Gui and Elder Xue clearly. Elder Xun is probably the 3rd but I can't think of who would be the 4th, maybe another emperor in Gui's faction that doesn't have a direct relationship to Liu Jin?


Are they trying to divore him from Xiao Shuang? If yes that can lead to her to the old trope of mcs fiances breaking up with them because of their families. She will have to take back her husband by force.


He shouldn't trust Feng Shang anyways. Just be polite and get away. This "reasonable" and "nice" guy was willing to murder his nephew through a mad tool. The other Feng may be an absolute wanton but he didn't target children.