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Hello, everybody!

That's was a really harsh year. Somehow I was able to get through it, mostly because of yours unlimited care and support. I can say that you saved me and I'm really grateful for this. But...

The biggest news - I'm shutting down my patreon. 

Yeah, it's can be shocking but I can't use it anymore. December is a last month when money processing is possible for people from my country. So I have no choice but to stop billing cycles starting from the next month and up to moment until situation will be resolved and I will be able to use that site again. Sad news. Really painful for me. 

First things first - don't rush to unsub right now. All pics I plan to create and post for this month will be delivered as usual. You guys already paid for em so new art will be posted here until 2023 will come. After that you will not be charged anymore. I will freeze payment cycle and will do that every month until payment systems will start to work here again. Maybe it's for month, maybe for year, maybe forever, who knows. 

But that doesn't mean I'm stop doing stuff I'm doing

If you really want to stay with me - we have alternative routes. Not usual, not easy. But still possible. So, how to support me?

Telegram Channels

I created a network of telegram channels copying patreon working process. If you don't know what Telegram Messenger is - it's awesome messenger app. They provide donation features and overall pretty cool stuff like free custom stickers (already working on my own set). Joining it very simple and donate process is extremely easy  - join desirable tier channel, bot will send you payment button, enter your card and that's it. You will gain access to channel and will be able to grab everything you will find there. 

A list of channels:

Payments will be in my local currency so price may vary from month to month depends on current exchange rates. 

Discord bot for telegram is under development right now and will be available in month or two. So no role management at this moment. If you wanna join private discord chat - message me and I will assign your role manually. 

Due to Apple limitations you will not be able to use paid channels on iOS devices (macOS are fine) so using Safari is the only way for iPhones and iPads. 

Also I strongly recommend to disable filtering of NSFW content to unlock all NSFW channels and chats on mobile apps. You can do it via your PC or Mac going into "Privacy and Security" options. 

Telegram supporters will get all content as is and uncensored


Pretty new replica of Patreon. Works almost the same way. It's pretty straightforward so I guess no need to explain a lot. 

One thing I should mention - platform allows erotic content but do not allows pornography. So I will slightly edit art (adding panties or steam, you know how anime works, right?). Boobs are allowed and will stay! If you wanna use that platform and get all content uncensored - don't forget to link your discord to boosty profile. You will be autojoined to tier channels and will find everything you need there (even old content). Tier prices are calculated from my local currency so price may vary too.


Not recommended at all but exists for people who can't use previous two. Please use it only if telegram or boosty absolutely not working for you!

Due to japanese laws content there is censored. And there is no integration with discord at all. But that's an option too.

That's it. I understand that I will lose almost all of my patrons but life is life and there are things you can't change. At least I tried to create alternatives for you. 

It's really hurts me to abandon place I maintained for seven years. So I hope at least someone will move along with me.

Thanks for these seven years of support. You guys were my motivation to become a pro-artist and grow up. 

Yours, Linda-chan. 



Nooooooooo 😭😭😭😭 you’re one of my favorite Patreons, love all your works ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I am glad that you included Boosty, because I have some creators I support them over there. Definitely going to support you 👍👍👍👍


This is the first Patreon account I've subscribed to, and the longest that I've been subscribed to. It's been great, and I hope that things'll work out and we can continue to pay you for your great work with ease.