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Hello Friends, it's come down to the wire if I want to finish this Akumi animation on time.  Here's some keyframe and storyboards I've done so far. The timing is not concrete yet so what you see here will change completely in my famous "Polish" stage.  I want to complete this by June...  time to get serious.

In other news, I have a related side project in the works I can't go into detail about yet but let me just say it involves losta NSFW content.  I'll be able to reveal more within the next month.  Another hint is I'm learning a program call Spine. Some cool shit being done with it.

I'll have a NSFW loop later this week. Onwards and Upwards!



Akumi vs Robot - Progress



So good to hear from you and see your progress! The animation is coming along nicely and it looks like a comedic end is in store for this animation


That song does add something to everything!


Thank you! Yeah, this is starting to get the atmosphere I had in mind when I first started Akumi but didn't quite hit in the originals. Can't wait to hear her talk again!


I agree! I put it in as a placeholder for the animation to play to but then noticed it actually works. It's all coming together nicely!


Akumis voice is back? :D


Looking good, I look forward to seeing it finished and to that side project. :) May I ask if it has something to do with Akumi and that robot lol? ;D


Y'know, while her new look is growing on me. I actually prefer her old design more. Not *just* because it looked kinda... hot, but it kinda fit her character, in the debut series anyway. I can guess why ya changed it, and it ain't bad by a mile. Just nostalgia, I guess.


Thank you! I hear that, yeah I'll always have a love for the original Akumi because of the world it introduced. My design style is always altering, even in the middle of developing an animation. I guess it's just a natural progression. I find a fun way to interpret a character and then it become their new look. I think I'm starting to find the style I want to keep more and more. I'm always trying to find that perfect balance between simplicity and detail.