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Hello Patrons!

This is Kimo, a character commissioned by Patron Rena Rin.  After hearing the story of the Kimo's character, she seemed like a perfect fit for the Hex Realm Guard.  Rena Rin has a couple more characters in development so it'll be interesting to see where they end up in the Akumiverse!  More Patron commissioned characters coming later!

Name:  Kimo Rin Kana 

Age: 21

Height: 5'4"

Eye Color: Blue/ Red

Skin Color: White

Hair Color: Black

Personality:  Kimo is a typical noblewoman trained in the classical and finer arts of the high society. She is a perfectionist who cannot stand having even a single thing out of place. Kimo hates losing. She believes that through power and calculated ruthlessness she can make all criminals fear her & turn themselves in or at least reconsider their choice in life. Kimo is brimming with self-confidence and passion. In her pursuit to prove her superiority as a Hex Realm General, she has neglected honing social skills. Despite this, she does have good friendships with others and is obedient to her superiors. 

Motivation: Kimo is a self-professed "Hero of Justice".  Her mode of operation is simple: She seeks to incarcerate or eradicate anyone or anything that she deems a threat to the Hex Realms.




Very cool character!


And little does the "Hero of Justice" know that she's one of Miltonius's creations and by the time she figures it out...it'll be too late... 0_0;


Good point Jeffrey. Lester's gonna have some pretty dangerous enemies this time around. Lester himself will be powerful but he'll need to be careful if he wants to keep all of his limbs.