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Hello Patrons! I said I'd start posting more updates on my progress so here's what's happening.  I need to build out my version of the Overwatch character, Mei.  Once she's finished, you'll get to vote on what kind of NSFW action she'll be doing. Although it's not Halloween anymore, I'm gonna make Akumi in a Super girl costume for fun.

Later, I'll show you my plans and progress for the following:

  • Zombie Sister footjob animation
  • Gravelyn NSFW demon ride
  • Music Video Animation Update

It's gonna be a busy weekend.  Hope you all have a great one!

Onwards and Upwards to Fortune and Glory!





Nice to see some rough art, I'm assuming also drawn in flash? Also I was watching Justice League Unlimited the other day and noticed that Booster Golds sidekick Skeets Acted and sounded a lot like Drone. Is that where you got the inspiration for the character?


Yeah these we're done in Flash. I'm gonna start going back to the old sketchbook again soon though. I draw differently on paper which is good for evolving my skills. Actually, my inspiration for Drone's voice comes from a character from the show "Family Guy". Hard to explain the character because he's wasn't a main character. But I think it's when Peter had to go to some support group and the Counselor guy in charge talked similar to Drone. I vaguely remember the line he said in a super soft, feminine, slightly southern accent voice, "Oh that's nice. I'm so glad you all could make it here tonight, we got some milk and cookies over there in the corner if you get hungry." The way he said it amused me so much, start mimicking that line in the same voice and then it became Drone. I'm terrible at copying voices so what I think is mimicking a character, to others sounds nothing like the character so I guess that works out.


What up Miltonius. I'm brand spankin new to your work and I have to say it is very entertaining. Love your ideas and action sequences. You've become my newest fav animator. Keep up the awesome work and I'll be looking forward to your works in the future. Peace and love, brother.

Kolya Hawk

This is looking awesome, I really can't wait to see some Mei in action this is just badass. Keep up the great work man.


Oh man what a great introduction! Welcome and thank you Anthony, glad to have you here! All my creative energy is being focused on these projects. I'm happy to have fans like you supporting my art. Peace and love mang! There's work to be done, onwards and upwards!


Thanks Mang! I'm gonna work on her design tonight so I should be posting her up for votes by tomorrow!




Which Gravelyn is another question. But meh it going to be epic anyway