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Hello there friends!  A little update on what I've been up to the past week. So some of you know I started a second Patreon with my friend Dave called Glory Bros.  I built this page as a way to to help my friend, Dave, and his financial situation. My motivation was, lets get him some monies so he can pay off his debt and we can travel the world! He's helped my projects through the years and this was my way of thanking him. He'd mention a few times how he wanted to be more than just help on these projects during our nights out drinking.  I took that to heart, yeah that makes sense, we should own something together where we can collaborate. Fast forward a year of talking and prepping and I started this Patreon page, a 50/50 partnership. Both of ours, equally, to grow and build.

I'd already started this Miltonius Arts Patreon and I knew the ins and outs so I took the reigns. Built the youtube, instagram, facebook and patreon pages. Filled them out with art and information. No problem.  I started learning about social media ads, lets really give this thing a boost.  I got carried away with that "promote button" staring at me and promoted the hell out of it. 10$ bucks here 6$ bucks here doesn't seem like a lot but it adds up. I got my bill this February. Close to a 300$ dollars spent. No problem, lets build this thing up!
All I asked of Dave, help me keep this page updated 2 times a month. We'll trade off, one week I'll post, the next week you post. Keep our fans informed. Show them where their money is going. Long story short, the equal partnership didn't even hold the first month.  I told him, you can just post a pic of your guitar and say, I'm doing stuff. It doesn't need to be elaborate just post something, anything! Pretend you care about this! He said yeah that makes sense. I'll be better about communicating. Another month, nothing. No text saying, hey man I know it's my turn to post but I'm too tired. Zero communication. But he did manage to post to Facebook he's watching a movie. Cool...

Anyway, I demoned out on him and then came back down to earth. I still consider him a friend but I'll never work with him as a partner again. He's in a bad place and we don't gel anymore. My place isn't great but my outlook is bright, I'll never give up trying to become better. He's done great things for Akumi and I can't forget. The only people that can make me upset are people I'm close to and it takes a lot of pushing of my buttons to get me there. He got there with his lack of empathy about what this page meant to me. 

Side note as well. When my mom had her heart attack while I was in Vietnam last year. I reached out to Dave who never responded. But then I get a call from Adam whom I didn't even tell. He'd seen a post my sister made about my mom on Facebook and reached out. You learn what kind of people you have in your life real fast during tragedy. Adam's a good friend which is why I'll never hesitate to help him no matter what disagreements we have. 

Clarity through Conflict
So everything happens for a reason. I believe in Law of Attraction and this blow out had to happen. Why?  I've been stretching myself in two directions for years now. For two friends who couldn't be more opposite. Adam and Dave. First direction was for my friend from high school, Dave. How do I thank Dave for his help through the years.  I started by making a music video of his song, I did this Patreon but on top of all that, I kept myself planted in a spot where we could work together because we did so well in the past. So I said let's build this Patreon and make the Akumi animations again.  Second direction, my super driven friend Adam. He calls me out of no where one day years ago and says we should make a game. I say yes! Delays happened and I let them happen, I let the Akumi Wars game get pushed back because me and Dave we're building something. If Adam wasn't ready to finish Akumi Wars yet, it meant more time for me and Dave to build the animation. Two different directions. No more.

Anyway, now it's time to go full steam ahead on Akumi Wars my friends.  I'll still be making animations too but it'll all fit into Akumi Wars project.  I thought about giving my second Patreon page over to Dave but he'd do nothing with it, obviously. I thought about shutting it down too. But you know what? I'm gonna keep it going.  There's still people there that believed in what we we're doing there and I'm gonna keep that alive alone. We won't have Dave's sweet tunes anymore but we'll find it somewhere else.  That second page will dedicate Akumi to a mainstream audience. I don't know how to give up on my dreams.

Onwards and Upwards my friends!




Sorry to hear that :/ I know the pain of realizing the big faults of your old high school friends. Sounds like you're ready to keep rocking and rolling, though. If you ever need any help with anything, give me a shout!


Damn man.. That really sucks. Sorry to hear that! But yeah, at least now you know who your true "friends" are. Hope everything turns out alright, and hey.. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Also sorry to hear about your mother last year, I had no idea! Hope all is well.. Glad to see you're back on track now with Akumi Wars. Artix should be a good partner to work with!


Unfortunate to hear for Sure. I've been on both ends of thus situation so I understand what both sides are going through. I'm glad you can push through and we the learning moment in the fog. I did have the question about akumi wars last week but didn't ask. Good to know it is back on! I hope Dave gets around to feeling better and more motivated. If he seems depressed, you should suggest he get help because depression is so often not noticed or taken seriously as soon as it shows up. As The Farthest Reaches said above: if you ever need help with anything, just shout out! We are your patrons and we have your back! I'm sure that someone following your progress is musically inclined and open to collaboration. Sidenote: have you thought of setting up a patron-exclusive discord?


Stay true to your arts and dreams, that what’s what your fans are here for.


Damn ill still be hanging around


Ah. Crap. Sorry. For giving you that bad news! I just hope you got a plan B when it needed!


Thank you! I appreciate that. Yeah I'm quick to move forward. I'm constantly trying to improve my life. Holding resentment has no place in my life, that stuff will drain you. Me and Dave are still friends but will never work as business partners.


Thank you. Things are fine now. I tore into him via text pretty badly so he needs time to recover but we're still friends. I have no filter when I'm upset at someone but I'm also quick to let things go and realize my faults when I cross the line. Thank you. My mom is okay now. Adam is a great friend. I talked to Adam today and it helped a lot. He was even in the middle of celebrating his wife's birthday with the family but took a quick minute to talk. He's been through this sort of thing more than a few times in his life. One thing he said was to never hold resentment over the friend. It's something I don't do anyway but hearing it allowed me to put it behind me that much faster. Literally, every moment is a completely different reality. What happened yesterday seems like some weird fantasy world to me now. I'm ready for the next chapter.


Yeah it's the great thing about not holding on to things. Way easier to move past stuff. I really don't know if he's depressed. When we're hanging out, he seems fine to me. I appreciate that. If I do need help, it's nice to know I have people here I can turn to. I signed up for discord but never use it. I've been relearning how I best work on my animations these past weeks. With so many distractions I've been experimenting with all sorts of methods. I think I may have found a process that works for me. 1 hour of pure focus, no phone, no internet, no music, just art. Tried it two days now and had great results. Minh run cycle was the first result. If this method is consistent, then maybe I can expand to other ways of communicating with you all. But the the art has to come first. After all, that's why we're here.... by the way, how do you guys create paragraphs in the comments? When I press "enter" it just posts. I'm commenting on my laptop.


Thank you, I will. I'll always stay on the path to my dreams. It is really that simple. I'm here to create my universe. Everything else is second to that.


Thank you Doomlord! I really appreciate that. And I'm gonna keep creating the Akumiverse and the world you guys came to see.

Luvh Art

Oof, that's.. that's not something pleasent, hope your friend gets better soon. don't forget you have us, all of your friends. we're here for you if you need us.


Thank you! He’ll be fine, he’s bounced back from worse. I know I have friends and support here. It’s why I don’t hesitate to tell you what’s happening in my life. But that drama has ended, it’s time to get back to the creating!

Luvh Art

Long live our Lord and Savior, Miltonius the archfiend!