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Character size comparison. You can see here Akumi is almost the same height as Lester but I think I want to make Lester more imposing so maybe the same proportions but scaled up?  Oh yeah, he's missing a leg now too. :P   Hardcore fans know why.

But I'm wanting to exaggerate my character designs to extremes. That's fun for me. If you've seen Spiderverse, look at Kingpin's design. That's the type of design extremes I want to go to when it feels right.  We'll see what that means once I actually start cleaning up art and animating this stuff.





Haha didn't Akumi chop his leg off? Then it started sprinkling out blood


No spoilers friend let those who haven't seen it yet figure it out LOL!


I will admit I wonder if you use the ogres from your older works for the beach? as a tip of the hat to your other works?

Randal Eaglebauer

Those hands are so huge he could practically run with them like a gorilla.


I'll admit I'm a little hyped for the new Akumi series but is it a reboot or a continuation


Oh yeah we going to the extreme with character design. But whether it translates to the final animation I'm not sure yet.


Let that leg be an overpowered cannon. Please!


Well at this point, it's probably gonna be a mix of both. I want to finish the overall story arc started in the original but I can't continue where it left off since I'm approaching it completely different. Akumi has gone through a few revisions since then so it'd be confusing to say this is the same Akumi from those original episodes. Her outfit as well as her personality is different from that time. So basically, it's a retelling but with some throwbacks to the original version of the story. The obvious throwback here is that Lester is gonna be missing a leg in the reboot.


We can definitely throw in easter eggs all over Akumi hinting at my past work. :) Once I've actually started on the animations, I'll have Patreon screenings of the progress to have discussions about what can be done.


it'd be kind of cool if rapist guy, was a bounty hunter, like akumi, and event though he's a rapist, they still occasionally work together, to defeat a common goal, or compete to get the same bounty. Not just evil, but on the same "degenerate level."


We'll find fun ways to use Lester throughout the Akumiverse. Akumi and Lester are similar in that they're both self serving and don't like authority but operate in different way. That'd be an interesting twist for Lester down the line but he's gonna start off as the criminal. He takes pride in being a wanted man. It's why he always tells the same story over and over. :)