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Hey all!

Wanted to announce the time and date for September's live Q&A that I'm doing here on Patreon for the $6 and $9 tiers. It'll take place on Friday, September 29th at 4pm CST. The VOD will be available for anyone to watch if they can't make it.

The stream will go for probably around an hour tops. You'll be able to ask questions in chat if you're watching live, OR you can leave questions as comments on this post and I will answer them in the stream. Feel free to leave as many questions/comments on this post as possible.

I'll be making a new post on Patreon at around the scheduled time of the stream, and you'll be able to access the stream through the link that I post then. Hope you're all able to make it, and chat with you then!



I have a vague memory of you mentioning you’re learning Spanish in Duolingo or some other language app, are you still doing that? How far have you come, or where did you stop? Why did you stop/continue? I have a 32 day streak on Spanish now 😎


i remember meaning to ask this in the past but i checked previous posts and i don't think i ever did, which of your videos are you most proud of? what about it makes it your favorite? additionally, was there any run in particular that was difficult to make, due to difficulty of explanations, getting them in sync with what's happening on screen, etc.