Testing an Original WW1 Trench Gun w/ GI Buckshot: How Does it Pattern? (Ad-Free) (Patreon)
Today I am out at the range with Matt Haught from Sym-Tac to test out our original WW1 Winchester 1897 Trench Gun with some original WW2 GI buckshot. While the US did buy some shotgun ammunition specially packaged for military use, the majority was simply commercial off-the-shelf ammunition stamped "US Property". We are using a box of that type of US Property Remington Kleanbore, 9-pellet 00 buckshot. In addition, we will testing premium modern Federal Flite Control buckshot in the trench gun, and also test both in a modern SymTac 870 from Vang Comp.
To both my and Matt's surprise, this trench gun patterned fantastically well with both types of ammunition!