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Today's video is about my project to build a custom SIG P365 at ModGuns (www.ModGuns.com). Like the P320, the P365 is built around a steel Fire Control Unit as the legal, serialized firearm. Everything else - barrels, grip frames, slides, etc - can be changed around like Legos. Now, there isn't as much aftermarket support for the P365 as the P320 (yet), but there are still some interesting choices that can be made. I think my set of choices is results in a pretty neat gun.

A note to Patrons: If I do end up having to censor a lot of stuff off YouTube, I will figure out a smoother way to provide you with video links.



That was a great video, I knew the 3xx line of pistols were very modular, but I honestly didn't know just how much customization you could do with them.


I love my P365s. The mischief machine grip modules are game changers.

New Englander in Ole Anglia

Could you host all the videos behind a locked wall on forgottenweapons.com then use a RSS style feed to smoothly show and update them all onto your various platforms?


I guess it speaks to the modularity of the pistol that you set it up almost exactly opposite of how I would. Lol great video


Wilson just rolled out slide and tuned trigger to go with their grip module as well. They are milling also for specific mrds.

Phil Byrd

as link to utreon works for me... thanks


Ya know, just when I think I've got my lust for firearms under control, I see something like this, and start dreaming again.


Almost the exact opposite of what I carry, cool idea though


No interest in a video where I have to log in to get a resolution that's better than something posted in Y2k.


Exactly this. I tried selecting 1080p and it wanted me to login - wtf ? I’m all for alternatives but this sounds like a really stupid barrier to make people NOT wanna register.


I'm tired of endlessly registering just to see something that's viewable. It just isn't worth it and for a SIG, doubly so.


So for us supporting you on Patreon, is there no way to view the video on Utreon at 1080p without also subscribing there?