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I decided that I didn't like that the commissioner would be paying for a picture that might ultimately disappoint them, or not be what they wanted. Instead, I decided to make this a suggestion board.

Completely free.

If your idea doesn't come out how you would expect, hey, you're out nothing but your time. 

Also, this opens up the pool of ideas a lot more. I will say, though, try to limit your submission to just one or two ideas. 

Anyone who has already submitted will not have to resubmit.

Okay, read on!


No narrative story on this one, it's a purely artistic endeavor. You are tasked with finding a colorful, popular (non-OC) character and submitting them to me, a weirdo kink artist, to draw in my own inimitable fashion: transformed in some way!

Here's the twist: you have only one word to prompt the transformation.

Welcome to One Word Warp, a kinky TF blind suggestion event!

How it works is this: You submit your character (and reference) and then pick One Word, any word, to seed the transformation. Based on that One Word, I will draw a version of that character transformed in some way.

Now, I could do the obvious choice for the drawing. Let's say your One Word is "Boobs" and I breast expansion for that character. Pretty expected. But I could choose a multi-breast TF. Or transforming her into a giant breast. Or into a bra for some other character. The One Word is a prompt for the art, so it may not be what's expected.

That's a feature, not a bug! This is an experimental format, so I'm looking for folks who really want to see me stretch my artistic legs (while staying within my genre). This will be the blindest of blind suggestions, it is really not for people that don't trust me and definitely not for people who don't like transformation art.

So, if you are still interested, follow the link below!




Chun Li Street Fighter Word: Pooltoy


Hey, I'm seeing some great suggestions here; follow the link to the suggestion board and drop them in!