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I wasn't a big fan of Man of Steel (the Zach Snyder Superman movie from 2013).

In fact, I hated it.

Waited years to see a childhood hero on screen, and while I can appreciate that the vision he had for the character was his vision... it wasn't my Superman. He just really missed the mark; the whole point of Superman isn't that he's the best of us because of his powers, and that he's said he can never be a part of this world; he's the best of us because he has power and it hasn't corrupted him.

He's a child of two worlds, two parents: the "Els" (for lack of a better description) who sent their only son from a dying world to have a second life on a new one. They also knew he would be very powerful there, and instructed him on how to be a paragon, a light in that dark backwater. A symbol.

The Kents, on the other hand, taught him humanity, taught him that you shouldn't be a bully. Taught him good, old-fashioned humanity. And it is the mix of those that bring us the Man of Tomorrow. 

Anyway, I don't need to get into a diatribe (though I may explain different reasons why I do and don't like Zach Snyder's take on the Justice League... because believe it or not, it's a mixed opinion!) but what I wanted to ask is is for you all to talk a bit about who your heroes are!

You can be as serious or as silly as you want down there. Was it a role model in real life? Was if a character from a childhood book, show, or comic that inspired you, or impressed you?

Who are your heroes? Comment below!


Captain Rocko

I love the Marvel movies and the DC comic cartoons (the DC comic movies hurt my soul) But I love the heroes and characters from Anime and Manga Better. And One of my favorite main characters is Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece. Luffy is a very simple guy, and when you see him you know what's going on in his head. He's not complex or very smart, you can tell what he's thinking by the expression on his face. But it's because of that lack of deep complexity that makes him so much fun to root for. Because he's a good girl. His pirate status is his own choice and normally conflicts with the normal status quo of the world. But he'll fight like hell for his friends until he wins! And over the journey of over a 1000 episodes and manga chapters, we've seen the countless struggles he's faced but still comes out on top.


In real life, I had an uncle who was an inspiration to me. Former Marine aviator in WW2, teacher, school administrator, genuine Christian in word and deed--he was fantastic. I wish we could all have someone like that in our lives.


FWIW, I hated MAN OF STEEL too. Cavill did a good job but the movie was awash in Snyder's contempt for superheroes and altruism. He just doesn't believe anyone can be "good." And frankly, that kind of too-cool worldweary cynicism is boring as hell.


I think for me my hero always had to have some form of optimism. Because I was very fond of characters like Sonic, Spiderman and Ironman and The Flash. The heroes that Crack jokes is what I like the most.

Loonia Infinity

Mm ... superheroes? There's plenty of them. Otherwise, my Mom and Pop, honey. Pop taught me how to have respect and principles while Mom taught me about intelligence and writing. Both inspired me to follow my dreams. <3


Capt. Picard for me. The mix of fighter, explorer, and diplomat who was never perfect but always gave his best, put his crew first, and was a leader to the Enterprise.