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I like a lot of different kinds of kink art. And, for better or worse, I've been expanding what offerings I have been bringing to my Patreon. 

So, question's pretty simple: What do you want to see in the coming year? I have a pretty solid plan, but this space will always about talking with you all. Seeing what you think. Sure, so I can better provide art you want to see, but also because I -like- these conversations and I want to see them keep going, see more of you interact. 

In any event, this poll isn't going to be very robust, so I really want you all to comment below if you're so inclined, so we can talk about the coming year.

What do you want for Kinkmas?



Definitely looking forward to more Mini-Finity Warp pictures (fingers crossed a certain red head will make a reappearance from the original Infinity Warp). This is just a classic from your portfolio and there's no need to keep reinventing the transformation catalysis for each picture, as Mini-Finity Warp allows us to assume: oh, Nebula is just warping someone with the Infinity Stones again. I do also like the idea of the Monthly OC Giveaways, despite the low odds of winning (12 winners per year out of 176 patrons). But I would recommend looking at Patreon's guidelines on raffles. The tl;dr version is that the raffle either has no entry fee (aka signing up as a patron to your patreon) or you have to have an alternative winner selection that's not based on luck/random selection. For example, if I am reading Patreon's blog post about raffles correctly, you could run an art or a literature contest where people would submit entries and the winner could be picked by you or by a community poll. The plus to this is that there would be more content for the community without you having to actually create it (aka community-created content). The only thing I would worry about in this idea is that it limits who can join (people who can draw and/or write prose). Furthermore, how would you deal with other tf content creators entering and competing against amateurs? Just some food for thought.


That's a good point. Patreon actually has some suggestions for contests, which is probably what I would base it on.

Loonia Infinity

Mm ... I think they are all groovy ideas. I'm around for another Christmas and certainly happier these days too ... so I don't have any suggestions at the moment. <3