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Maybe mutagen ooze isn't the best way to enhance one's self. Thanks to Joe Haley for the suggestion!

This will be the last of the freebies this month (posted elsewhere on the internet, I mean; it still needs to be behind the paywall here for content)! I wanted to give this a try to boost subscriptions. The rest will be all for my Patrons. 




I dunno, I'm not seeing a problem.


Some interesting effects that deserve more research

Joe Haley

Golly, I guess my humble suggestion really struck a chord.


Very nice to see some nerd love.

David Stewart

well, now she won't have to worry about not getting a date anymore,. with those she'll have a date lined up for everyday of the year


Givin' that sweater a workout!

mike hawkins

I say poppycock! she needs more!