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For this week only, The first Two pages of Princess of Power-Ups, You're Dreaming, Sashae and the Buxom Buccaneer, and the first page of Clingy*. The free pages are here on this post!

If you enjoy the comics, and want to read more, you will find links to collections of the complete comics below (you will need a higher-level tier to access the complete comics; Dreamer and Morphean-tier subscribers have access to both comic lines).

This free access will go away Sunday, April 4, so take advantage now, and if you love the comics, why not sign up?

Links to Collections

Sleepwalker: Dawn Collections

Princess of Power-Ups

Shantae and the Buxom Buccaneer (still in production)

Sleepwalker: Dusk Collections

You're Dreaming


*Clingy will be censored to comply with Patreon's public post standards.



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