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I have been on Patreon since August, and I have loved interacting with you all. It feels much more personal than Deviant Art, and seeing the same Patrons post week after week is heartening, as well as seeing new names come by. It's been a slow climb, but we have gone up in members, with some people having to leave and then returning, it's heartening to see that (maybe?) people aren't leaving because of the content, but maybe for other reasons. My life has been full of them.

But, that said, I don't think sketch-by-request is going to work out anymore as a model for the site. It's just not drawing in the numbers I need to justify the time (at $30 a sketch, even at 2 a week the site doesn't pay for my time.) And, at the end of the day, it's fan art. I like fan art, but it's not mine, you know? Combine that with the downloadables (that I'm behind on) and the rewards (that I'm also woefully behind on) I think it's time to re-assess.

So, I think coming up in the next few months, I'm going to change the nature of this Patreon a bit. I really want to start gearing up toward producing narrative content here, to differentiate it from my DeviantArt page, which will focus more on commission work (I will still post sneak peeks here).

I think I need to say goodbye, at least for now, to the Friday sketch streams. I love the few of you that always show up, but I feel like a lot of you would show up to watch me draw just about ANYTHING, so if I can use that time to work on client work or a comic I may be doing, that's win-win for everyone. I'm sure I'll do a request stream at some point in the future, again, it's just not going to be a regular thing.

The sketch streams are a source of the many rewards for patrons, though, Which will mean I'll need to adjust those rewards toward the new content, particularly Morphean-tier subscribers.

Currently there are 6 Morpheans who have not received a sketch-stream benefit, so I will need to figure out a way to make good with them. It will still probably involve some sort of exclusive art that I do that they direct, but I don't think it will be related to the streams. Maybe my -only- sketch streams will be Morphean rewards? I'm not sure right now.

Regardless, those folks will be contacted soon by me. YOU WILL GET YOUR REWARDS! :) Just need to figure out what that's going to mean.

In the mean time, stay tuned to this space. The narrative work will start small, being a combination of Sleep Talking pages as well as 1-page transformation sequences (starring characters who aren't my OCs).

A point of discussion: Would an equivalent Morphean award be having your OC in a starring role in a 1 page comic? it would be a YCH role, and not something you would dictate (though you would know the nature of the transformation before the character was included). Discuss below!



I feel like the change will be good, and you need to do what makes the time feel worthwhile to you. As for Morphean changes, that's a bit of a tough one. I feel like in the interest of fairness for those who got a Morphean reward before the change, those getting the reward after the change should get the same amount as a reward. One picture rather than a small ych comic. Although the ych comic would depend on how it would be done. I feel like if we got to choose the transformation but you dealt with the rest of the situation that would be good, But then I'd call back to the first point of keeping it fair between those before the change and those after the change.


The existing Morpheans will receive art equivalent to the others. I'm speaking about rewards for future dreamers and morpheans.

Captain Rocko

I know I'd be down for a YCH comic.

Pert Toro

Been a silent morphean for the most part. Don't understand discord all that well to communicate on it, if I turn on the chat to see updates on art, there is sometimes to much side chatter so I mute it again. But I enjoy your art. Benefits would be nice but I understand the nature of starting businesses.


Thanks, Pert! You've been a great Patron, I don't want that to go unrewarded.


a YCH could be pretty fun, maybe can even be just a YCH image like if its just a bunch of round inflated characters. Also maybe if would incorporate characters from established series for those with limited or no OCs to offer


Good luck on figuring out how best to balance things! I know that's been a challenge for quite a few patreons. Understandable if you have to cut back on things as well; I've seen that happen more than once with various artists as time constraints popped up.


Restructuring. I feel a little bad, there are folks here that are passionate about contributing to my art and process. I need to keep that passion and focus it in new ways. Collaboration with y'all is fun.


From what you said, they all sound like fair reasons and I'm more than okay with that. I know you have a lot on hand( work, commissions and irl stuff like family and whatnot) so it does help to overload yourself. Being burnt out sucks and I rather not see you in that position.


I appreciate that. My time is part of it, but it's more about striking a balance. It can't be everything, so it's probably best to focus on something good and have people stay for that, rather than trying to figure out what everyone wants and chase that around.