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First off, my Friday stream. YES! I am streaming on Friday, Feb 28. I’m going to be inking and possibly begin coloring the Samus Princess I promised like a month ago. See my process, hopefully it won’t break down.

Now, onto the comic! It's called:

Sleep Talking with Jester and Silk.

The comic will not be the serial story that I noted in my stretch goal (I’m barely halfway there for that.). It will be a simple four - six panel comic, minor amounts of color, starring Silk and her id-imp Jester. But you’ll be involved!

So, here’s the idea: I am going to start collecting AMA questions for Silk. I’m going to start them here and on a special #Silk-AMA channel on Discord, then maybe throw them onto Twitter and Deviant art, but I’m looking for questions directed at Silk herself (or Jester). What she does, what her life is like, etc. You can also ask questions to her, for me, regarding my art, etc. Try to keep them not specifically related to her transforming, though.

Here’s how it would work (Example questions):

  • “Silk, what’s your favorite color?"
  • “Silk, what kind of car does Gnome drive?”
  • “Silk, do you like kumquats?”

She will answer the questions by tugging on the pink goopy-bubble gum strings that she uses to alter the dreamscape. Then… you’ll receive an answer. 

It’s a comic that is meant to be fun, funny, and surprising to her. So, while I won’t necessarily ignore questions that are lewd, expect I’m going to choose other questions over those.

Lastly, this is a 4th-wall breaking promotion, so nothing is going to be canon. It’s just a way for my OC to engage my audience. I need more of that, and I think you guys would like that as well.

Interested? I’m looking forward to it. Post your questions below, or ANY comments on this topic. Please, don’t be shy, it’s so quiet here and on Discord. Let’s shake things up!



I've asked some preliminary questions on the AMA. I hope you don't mind them. Airplane is just too funny a movie.


I'll think of some proper questions tonight and then ask them tomorrow morning.

Captain Rocko

Why is it called the replacement comic?


Interesting idea! I'll see if I can come up with anything.