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While I don't make my livelihood with my commissions, making money from them justifies the time spent doing art for my audience. The Friday streams, while being supplemented by Patreon, are in a sense free work that is taking away from time I could spend doing commissions. Thus far, it has been work I have enjoyed. And I like the little community of watches I have on Fridays. I don't take that for granted. But, as I said, my time to do artwork is limited.

So, I have come to a couple of hard decisions, because it cuts at my highest tiered patrons the most, involving not only the selection of characters, but how often I will be producing premium artwork from streams.

Decision 1: I will not be selecting your OCs for Patreon streams. Original character artwork is a good source of income. While I will not by any means assuming anyone will automatically be commissioning me to do a pic of their OC, some do, and by doing that work for free I am either removing a potential source of income or completely avoiding OCs in lieu of other characters, all but ensuring a character a Dreamer-level patron wants will never get picked. I think it will be easier to just nip it in the bud and not do any OCs for my free stream.

Decision 2: I am only doing two Sketch-to-Premium streams each month (rather than 1 per week). My reasoning for this is, again, I'm not paying for my time. This is still not quite covering the time invested, but I need to give you guys a reason to come back and see what's up, here.

So what will I be doing on the off weeks? It may be a sketch without being finished. It might be working on a commission. Could be that I do a bunch of sketches and gather them all up in a poll letting you choose which one I finish. I haven't exactly decided, but the number of Premium illustrations is going to go down by two.

Ugh! I just lost value on my patronage! Maybe, maybe not. I'm still doing the same amount of streams, you'll still see me draw every Friday. I'm also going to (with permission of my commissioners) start giving more sneak peeks at what I'm up to, if you all are interested in. Maybe preliminary sketches, WiP, depends on what you'd like to see.

Anyway. it's about my time management, and giving you all a little something extra than what I'd show on DeviantArt. But first and foremost, I need to justify the extra time I'm spending doing this hobby. I'm new to Patreon, so I need to tweak.

Thanks for understanding, and please comment to let me know if you're interested in WiP images and sketches from commissions.

PS: If you are a Dreamer-tier pagtron and have requested an OC for the sketch stream, please send me another note with other character suggestions. In fact. keep them coming, I can always use more (you can suggest more than one.)


Captain Rocko

Just to be clear, what's coming up this Friday?


I'll post tomorrow. It's a sketch stream, though, not a commission stream or anything new.

Pert Toro

I don't mind, I run a Life management company. So I understand that work/free ratio of income. I personally would give more $$, if you had a premium Snapchat or Instagram that let us see the hectic part of your life we can support too!