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[TLDR, going on a hiatus, infrequent updates, letting you know before the first.]

CW; Depression, self harm (not me, my family; past).
Hey, all.
I'm just going to be straight with you. I'm not doing well, mentally. It's taking a lot of energy just to be social in my day to day life. This is a new thing to me; my family has always struggled with depression; it was never really a problem for me, but I think it's just something I have been compartmentalizing. Looking at my family, though (my dad let himself waste away after my mom passed, my sister got overwhelmed with her life and ended it). Signs like I've been feeling are something I need to take seriously.

I always got into the space because I loved kink art and adding to the community. And it's a good community. But increasingly, I had little interest in starting up my own work, and I thought maybe commissions might take me over the hump. And, while the ideas have been pretty good and you guys have been really supportive (giving me so much room to do a good piece for you) it's really not kindling the spark I hoped it would.

The art is more and more feeling like a lodestone around my neck; it makes it very very hard to get motivated. Everything is making me feel that way lately. I am seeking help (which is new for me) but I wanted to be up front about the delays.

I never want to take support here for granted. If I ask you, blindly, to support my art, I need to let you know when I am not going to support your generosity back with something to show for your hard earned money. That's only fair.

So; I'm going to finish up the spots I have committed to, and continue to post them. The updates here are going to be infrequent. I'm not going to force the comms to hit a deadline, those folk paid money and deserve a piece that has my full attention and as much creativity as I can muster. As long as I am posting art, I will keep the Patreon going. If I find I am going to set the stylus down for a month or more, I will put the Patreon on hold (as I have in the past).

Thanks everyone who read this.

— Gnome



No worries dude, always love your work and always happy to support so you do what you need to do we'll be here for ya.


I'll always be here for you!


You need to take care of yourself. We're here to support you in the ways that we can. We love your art, but, like, we want it to be fun and beneficial for you, not a burden. Take the time you need, and make sure to seek that help as you said you are. Hoping for the best for you.


Health always comes first, including mental health! Take the time you need man. Thank you for the heads up.