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Happy holidays! I come bearing a five page comic for you this year, this time in full color...! This was a ton of work but I'm happy I made the effort - it's actually my first time doing a color comic and I'm happy with how it turned out. I hope you all like the story - I still get self-conscious about writing but I think it's a simple enough story. 

I always tend to come up with characters that I never end up revisiting... let me know how you feel about these two and maybe I can explore them more in the future!

I want to mention too that I add the source files for every illustration to the $5 tier as well, and this one is a doozy - so if you're interested in that, please check it out.

I don't get personal much online but... this year was a bit different than previous years. I really pushed myself professionally and worked nonstop, but my personal work suffered as a result - I didn't get to create as much as I would've liked and I've been pretty offline publicly. This year it was really hard for me to break that freelancer mindset of always needing to hustle, so I really went all in on work and didn't do much else! However, this Patreon has been the place for me to make the time to create some personal work every month, and I wouldn't be able to do that without your support. Next year I hope to find more time to create my own work again, while continuing to push my adult work in new directions here. 

Thank you all for being here, truly. It means more than you know. Please enjoy the comic and I hope to see you next year in 2024! ❤️



Angel Gabriel Ortiz

Only Kinuko can make the most wholesome and humble adult comics

Crashsune Animations

SOO CUTE!!! 🥺💖💖💖Amazing colors and poses as usual!!