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Okay, the anti-christ's powers and cranking up a notch! Adam needs to chill out a bit




So many favorite moments in this ep: disco Crowley, Zira swearing, and his response to Shadwell accusing him of seducing women - “oh I do think you’ve got the wrong shop”. Plus dancing in the discrete gentleman’s club. This show is suppperrrr campy, just like Doctor Who, and that’s probably why I love it so much. Thanks for another great reaction!!

Rob Morris

The whole Aziraphale saying "fuck" thing is surprisingly funny - as well as being an indicator of how serious things are getting. Apparently it's the only time Neil Gaiman fell out with Terry Pratchett, too. Gaiman wrote the section and Pratchett was apparently all "the word 'fuck' doesn't get used in a Terry Pratchett book!" To which Gaiman dug his heels in and said "but it can be used in a Neil Gaiman book and this is mine too". And they made up and there it is.


Gettin into the endgame! So excited to see you experience the chaos of the next episodes lol!

Elisa H.

If helps anathema does not know she is looking for a child, she doesn't even know she's looking for a human. That's why she keeps asking if anyone has something like a big beast or something dark and unusual.

Elisa H.

You don't know The Metatron? Get ready for me to be asking you to watch Dogma every now and then from now until eternity

des williams

i love aziraphale’s “oh fuck” moment! i have that part of the script tattooed on my leg 🤣