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This film started off silly but then I slowly started to fall in love with it. It makes me realise how incredibly single I am. Also, UMA THURMAN!!!!!! She was soooo good in this!! <3



Alfie Galley

I haven’t seen it yet as I was waiting for your reaction video

Miro Mirian

Oh nooooo, Niall! I’m at work! I can’t watch it now 😫😫 but thank you, can’t wait to get home put it on my TV and enjoy BW&RB with you! 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵

Elisa H.

Well I know what im watching when I get out of work


In case you've not read it: the book is dramatically different and well worth the time.


22:58 bro i felt this in my soul, that’s how i got thru the entire plot of Shadowhunters they promised me two queer men and that’s all my mlm ass cared about


love an excuse to watch this movie the (checks notes) 6th (?) time! excited to react with you

Myranda Morneault

no cause it absolutely is cheesy but the book is so good and i kinda envy people who read the book after the movie cause there was a lot that got left out

Miro Mirian

I actually would’ve preferred mini series rather than a movie. So much was left out 😫

Myranda Morneault

i’m so glad you were real about the acting cause yeah that airplane scene def gave me the ick


For me, the second I noticed--in the opening scene--they'd cut out a central character was the first strike. The second came when I saw they cast 31- and 28-year-old actors to play 21- and 23-year-old characters, and unconvincing and uninspired casting it proved to be; again, that was to me, your mileage may vary. The third was when they cut out yet another primary, plot-driving character, and thus the central plot-dénouement of the novel. I fast-forwarded so I could say truthfully, to a friend, that I saw the end, and then read the book again instead.


Thank you for the reaction love 🫶🏽😘

Alfie Galley

When I watch stuff with you I talk to you like you are in my room then I realise oh the hot man isn’t here

niall no chill

There were so many ick moments I can't lie... I just tried not to be so mean about the film initially but then I started to enjoy it haha

Myranda Morneault

i really do recommend the book though i would love to hear your thoughts about the book vs the movies, there’s some great things i would have loved to see in the movie


loved the movie, but the book is soooo much better! Absolutely read it!

Alex Poling

My main issue with this movie, despite the less than stellar acting, is that the election at the end makes literally zero sense. Maybe it makes more sense in a US that has already elected a woman as president, but how the hell does a democrat win Texas and not Pennsylvania and Ohio. Also, how far behind is Texas in counting votes that they were the deciding state? Did the west coast already finish??? This is why I can’t watch political fiction lmao

LM-Entertainment Australia

loved your reaction. having read the book, it definitely doesn't do it justice. it had a cheesy, rom-com kinda vibe. the acting wasnt fantastic. there are particular scenes though which i really loved (like the museum scene). the book is infinitely better.. has so much more detail and even more characters. think it needed to be a mini-series rather than a movie. you should definitely read the book because there is so much more detail when it comes to texts / emails and their meanings .. and a lot of important scenes weren't in the movie. thanks for reacting to it!

Tom Bendall

Stick the kettle on Niall, you're /thirsty/ tonight 🤣

Dionne Lakey

I watched this at the early screening in London last month. I was excited but slightly disappointed but I know I'll like it more on rewatches once I get past my book expectations and some of the things that didn't make sense. Including some of the editing and rushed nature of the film. I'm overall just really glad it exists at all. And will enjoy watching it with peeps like you. I think what I did enjoy was seeing how many older male couples were in the audience and seeing the director Matthew Lopez there. I had moments of real lump in my throat reactions to everything that evening. Though it's a romcom - alongside the book - it's incredibly heartfelt and important.

Duncan Bennie

Close states will always be the last to declare just because there will be so many recounts, states like Hawaii for example as so solidly blue they are usually able to call them very early into their counts so it is plausible for Texas to be the last call. As for Pennsylvania and Ohio, its economics, they have switched back and forth between Rep and Dem but Texas, although solidly Rep for years, has been trending Dem cause of demographic changes. It does highlight though how much easier it will be for Dems to win if they can turn Texas, as it cancels out the need for so many of the purple states.

Amy 23

I absolutely loved watching this with you!! This would be my 5th rewatch. Also if you liked Nora(the girl who was friends with Alex) She’s also in a LGBT show called Love,Victor❤️ if you ever get a chance you should try it out!

Duncan Bennie

Overall, I will disagree with most commentators and say it was a pretty good adaption of the book. It will naturally be different and more fast paced being a film, but although I originally though it should be a mini-series, I don't think it would really have worked overall in that format, although I do miss not getting the West Wing Josh and Donna vibes from the White House Trio. Yes it is cheesy, but it sort of dives into that more 00s romcom which works for a reason. Also we truly stan Zahra. I remember from my review of the book though that I commented over the fact that the British are portrayed as an American stereotype of what they think the British are, which apparently definitely translated into the film XD


The novel is infinitely better. This would have been better served as a multi-episode series. It was charming, but the details they left out (like the emails, which were so vital to their story) could have been incorporated with more time. I still liked it, but you should read the book too.

Cristian V.

Wow! You did well Niall, hardly any tears! I was crying my eyes out through most of it. 😭😊😉


I had seen the film a few times already, but I was so happy to rewatch it along with you for your reaction. I’m glad you’re reacting to it on your channel so more people might see it. I’ve really got my fingers crossed that they release an extended version/director’s cut, because there are some scenes that definitely got cut - scenes that were filmed (not just scenes/characters from the book). I read the book a few months ago and definitely recommend that as well. As much as possible I try to see the book and film/adaptation as two different things. Of course a book will have more detail and more connective tissue. Both are great for what they are, IMO. The cheesy bits were forgivable IMO since it’s a rom-com. Even tho it’s a bit cringe, it’s still cute. I also loved the casting of Taylor & Nick. I thought both were believable as their characters, and I did really think they had good chemistry. Lastly, I appreciated that the director didn’t shy away from depicting their intimate relationship (earn that R rating), as their intimacy is definitely a big part of the book. Not sure if others mentioned it, but there’s a short scene at the very end of the credits that you didn’t see/show in your reaction.

Jose Mazariego

I love the movie, mainly because it is queer and I love the book. However, on it's own, it definitely feels rushed and like a Disney/Lifetime movie. I feel like Amazon did not provide enough funding and it showed throughout the movie. It would have been better if it had been picked up by Netflix or another studio. I wished they would have released a longer version just like Call Me By Your Name which, even though feels slow, it has a lot of important scenes from the book. The casting is lovely, however, the budget could have been bigger.

Skylar June Void

Thanks for being my 3rd watch of this movie! I absolutely recommend the book. It has a LOT more depth and it's also way steamier. I actually really struggled with the movie on my first watch because of how much is cut from the book but each subsequent watch has been better and after watching this with you, someone who is going in fully blind with no prior knowledge, I actually thoroughly enjoyed it. Watching things with you is always a treat! Glad you liked it! Definitely let us know what you think of the book when you read it!

Dennis Verner

Note: there's a little, bitty extra scene after the credits. It's a fun movie and I enjoyed it. But, Niall, as an actor and a film buff yourself, come on, it's just a little cringy. and NIcholas Galitzine is a far better actor. But it's fun and queer and lots of people love it so, good on 'em.

Joe Lancaster

I absolutely loved the movie and your reaction. I'm only about 50 pages into the book so far but it's really good!

Elisa H.

I haven't read the book. I went in expecting a silly, quirky rom-com and I got it so I'm quite happy with this movie. As for feeling like a Disney channel movie, I mean I still watch Disney movies. I watch "smart house" and "Johnny tsunami" every couple of years still so that's not a bad thing for me

Elisa H.

If anyone knows what the bagpipe song is during polo match let me know

Laura Ibarra

Great reaction!! I haven’t read the book and I thought this was a great little rom com. I also want to read it now as well

Rob Morris

Broadly I would agree, the film loses a lot of useful connective material. But I would say some of the dialogue in the film is actually better than in the book - certainly funnier.

Diane Furlong

Niall, we Americans aren’t always the smartest lot but we’re lovable 😁 I had seen somewhere they were trying to keep this PG At first. Once they get to the sex scene, PG went out the window and it became R

Diane Furlong

Niall, I’m going to be a bit naughty but did you note Henry’s comment after Alex says his full name the first time? 🤔 😉


You Calling Alex a redneck just made my day🤣🤣🤣😭😭

niall no chill

Lmaooo, I couldn’t think of a word for just a “typical” American dude type 😂😂 like he gives very bro energy 😭

Diane Furlong

This was great Niall Thanks

Rowena Grant

I wish I would've watched the film first before reading the book, it felt lacking a bit but I knoe it's 100% from my expectations after reading the book. I will say, rewatching it made me like the movie more than that first watch. Definitely read the book, I would love to hear what you thought about it after you read it! There's a lot more added in the books, and being able to read all of their emails just makes their relationship feel so much deeper. If the movie got you feeling somthing for them, the books will make you fall in love with Alex and Henry and their relationship even more!

Joseph Carriker

Okay, yes, it's a bit cheesy to start out, and it's even a bit starry-eyed throughout it. But you know what? Straight people have entire libraries of cheesy, eye-rolling stories unabashedly. We deserve them too, and they don't need to be high art. Sometimes, we just want something sweet, and we deserve it.


i haven't seen anyone mention it yet but in the US or at least texas we say "i could/can hang" it's really just a shortened version of "i could hang out"


Arrrgh, Niall, you missed the cutest, sexiest-with-their-clothes-on comment -- from Henry at 53:53.

Lee baker

I don’t have Prime Video so I just watched it with you instead , you’re awesome😂 Also prince Henry’s actor did really good in another gay film called Handsome Devil if you haven’t watched it before 🙌

Jennifer Carrigg

The book also shows how much passion Henry has for literature and writing. It makes the “I’d be a writer” so much more meaningful. He’s being a writer towards Alex, the love of his life.

Jennifer Carrigg

I’m actually completely fine that they got rid of the problematic side story. We deserve a sweet cute loving romcom. If they stuck to the book it would’ve been a downer towards the end.

Crystal Pritchard

If you haven’t already purchased the book, I’d recommend the collector’s edition. It includes an extra chapter from Henry’s perspective, Alex is the only POV in the novel, that goes 5 years after the conclusion of the novel. It’s very sweet. The collectors edition also includes really nice artwork on the end pages.

Beach gurl Bi

I was screaming at the screen when he missed the best line of the whole movie!!!

Utahrangerone - former B5CCG rep

OH MY GOD>. THank you darling Niall for that Kitty cameo.. If they movie hadnt already made me melt, THAT sure did!

Philip Smith

I enjoyed the film, but not as much as the book, but watching along with you I just felt all the emotions and spent half the time watching through tear-filled eyes. Go bitch!

Utahrangerone - former B5CCG rep

I've yet to see a reactor catch on to the fact that as Henry is finishing his upbeat sparkly piece he ends it with "Yankee Doodle Dandy", which provokes Alex to come over and play God Save The Queen/King [same melody is used for "My Country Tis of Thee in the USA, giving a realist reason Alex would know it.]


You missed the “he is” line noooooo 😭😭


If I had a nickel for every time Nicholas Galitzine played a British Royal with a family member named Beatrice and a father who played James Bond, AND a Latin love interest who he plays piano for, AND sang a song by the band Queen… I’d have 2 nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?

Matt Allen

You have such great reaction videos! Yeah, I admit I like when you get ... emotional, but that's more of a relief for me - that I'm not alone being emotional... :-) And ... maybe I'm naïve... but I think it would be great for any (modern...) Royal Court to openly accept a queer member of the royal family, it would show the world they ar real humans and aware of their time, like.

Glenn Hosken

I can't believe some people think this is bad casting! Their chemistry is amazing. These guys are either the best (and bravest) actors in the world, or they ARE queer. They certainly didn't look like they were acting when they were making love in Paris. Both of them have been pretty guarded about their love lives.


I would love to see your reaction to the film Handsome Devil. Without spoiling to much, It stars Nicholas Galitzine (Prince Henry) and focus on the dynamic of LGBTQ+ individuals in a prestigious Irish school that puts its rugby team above anything else. It’s a bit of a hard watch but is such a good film.

Amanda P

I just recently found your channel and am currently binging your heartstopper and young royals reactions (and loving them! Also damn you for getting emotional because it makes me cry more when others cry 😭) but I just watched this movie last night and knew I had to see what you thought!! I absolutely loved this movie, I'm a hopeless romantic anyways and love cheesy romcoms, and I mean how many damn romcoms do straight people get!!?? Queers deserve cheesy romcoms too and I'm so glad we have this 🥹 I honestly loved that the big sex scene was just so well done and intimate, it was so sweet

Johanna Nel

Greetings from sunny South Africa 🇿🇦. Thank you for a fantastic reaction. This movie brought me here and I'm staying ❤️