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And it all comes crumbling down... also, did NOT expect Wilhelm to almost shoot August in the chest... THAT'S MY WILHELM!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!!



Selena Strieter

I think your soul, or whatever, left your body for the entirety of the Gun/You [August] had to ruin two families scene and that is rather relatable. I was gagged watching it the first time. I just love how prpud the therapist was, the therapist is literally the Young Royals viewer 😅 I loved this reaction, as per usual and I am really looking forward to your Heartstopper Season 2 reactions.


I can't wait to rewatch all of these now from start to finish!!

Dennis Verner

First class reaction! I can't tell you how many times I've see this whole show and your chaotic reaction and tears were just the same as mine. Well done!

Dennis Verner

As to all the drama. Lisa Ambjörn might disagree with me but my feeling is the whole point of the story is privilege corrupts everything.

LM-Entertainment Australia

LOVED your reactions. ive watched this show an embarrassing amount of times by different reactors and you've definitely been the best!! cant wait for season 3! hopefully its in early 2024. they wrapped filming a couple of weeks back. fingers crossed! i agree with what you said about sara - i do feel bad for her, even though what she did to simon was horrible. i do think though that when she said she was foolish and believed him she probably did. that being said, if shes fucked up things for next season with the phone call, ill be pissed at her haha.

Dionne Lakey

I have a theory that Madison would listen to Sara - not necessarily be on her side- but as a sort of fellow outsider (Madison asks questions about this world and why things are the way they are) and pretty open-minded, she may be willing to figure out what happened.

Dionne Lakey

I feel sorry for YouTube viewers who don't get to see your full reactions.

niall no chill

I couldn’t believe Wilhelm pulled out that gun, it took the air from my lungs!! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed these reactions, not long now until Heartstopper S2!! 💖


Around 9:25 I was so inflamed at August that I almost didn't even want to keep watching, thinking it was just gonna get darker & darker, with no possible good resolution. The gun scene twisted me up even further; and jeez, Wilhelm was kinda right: if he'd shot August the royal family would've found a way to cover it up! The last scene had me pleasantly shocked on the first viewing but in tears each subsequent time. I gotta say, Niall, I was a bit surprised you were so...dry. :) And while I loved how Wilhelm co-opted the speech -- and am beyond overjoyed at the apparent reconciliation between Wilhelm & Simon -- I'm still hoping Season 3 sees August eaten by wolves.


I actually wasn't that sympathetic to Sara, though she obviously isn't the pure evil that August is (and did give him a nice metaphorical kick in the balls as she left). The police call will make whatever comes next...interesting. And while it does have the potential to mess things up, it is still kind of "on brand" for her. Does she maybe think that taking the blame for the drugs *herself* would be a morally upright way to atone for hurting Simon and Felice?? I'm gonna be pissed if S3 doesn't start at the conclusion of the speech ceremony. We urgently need to see the immediate reactions of so many people -- not just Simon.


I love this show so much 💙 and your reactions to the show. You have so good thoughts, and you paus the episodes when you talk so you dont miss anything. That makes you see all the small things that ties the show together 😊. One odd thing I notised though is that Wille is wearing one sweather when Simon tells him before the presentation that he will report August. And another sweater when he arrives at his room and throws up 🤨🤷🏼‍♀️😄.


I just love how you're paying attetion to many possibilities and not just sticking to one, like you totally understand them and give us a whole new perspectives all the way through this show<33 LOVE U SO MUCH also sorry for my bad English ;)

Rowan Cannell

I know Sara's decisions this season were incredibly frustrating to watch as a viewer, but I'll say as an autistic woman that it's a very accurate representation of autism in young adult women. She's very young for her age, emotionally/socially behind her peers by several years, thrown into a complex social world and trying to make herself over into the 'right' kind of person to fit in because she has some understanding that her usual personality and communication style won't work there (certainly didn't work in her previous school). She is extremely trusting and gullible. She has simplistic views of complicated situations (Felice and the horse, her mom's decisions surrounding their father's alcohol and drug abuse, Simon's betrayal of their pact to stick together and not see their father, etc.) and also struggles to make sense of the rules (sometimes tell the truth, sometimes don't, for instance). She struggles with change and so was desperate to stay at the school leading to bad choices, but from a place that makes sense in autistic terms. She doesn't seem to have anyone who she can actually trust to tell her things straight. Even her family, who certain know she's autistic, treat her as if she should understand things like a neurotypical person of her age. As soon as people do call her out she tries to fix it, but since she still doesn't have the full picture and isn't thinking beyond what she knows, it often makes things worse - as you suspect with the phone call. Sometime in her mid-20s or early 30s she'll have figured all this stuff out through trial and error, way behind when neurotypical young adults generally do. Anyway, it's a wonderful representation and played by an autistic actor as well, which I'm sure contributed to a great autistic character.

Gary Yeomans

Season 3 is coming end of the year.

Dennis Verner

Rowan, I was so glad to read your notes on Sara. I know virtually nothing about autistic behavior but I think most people totally missed Sara's reactions throughout the series. I think Frida's performance was amazing and she would know all too well. Watch Sara's reaction to each deeply emotional scene. The forgiving hug from Felice, the kiss from August and finally her attempt to blackmail august at the end of season one. In each case she seems bewildered at what is happening. Clearly she is trying to make sense of the world around her as best she can. She makes bad decisions but her decisions are based on her perception of her world. A masterful performance by Frida.


Where have you been all my YR life? You described your patreon as watching with a friend, and you’re so right. You yelled everything I yelled at my screen. And I’ve watched this show an embarrassing number of times. THANK YOU! I love your reactions. Found you through heartstopper and had to check out your patreon for YR. I appreciate everything you said about Sara. She might be one of my favorites because she frustrates me the most. The scene where she basically threatened to out Fredrika gave me chills. I think one of the truest things August says is that they both know about going after what they want. It’s always funny to me how she never comes completely clean with Simon or Felice about everything she did (snooping through Felice’s phone, conspiring with August to live on campus before being “in love,” trashing Felice about that gd horse even though she knows firsthand how overbearing Felice’s mom is). These characters are so complex, and there’s so much to see in the series. Colors, wardrobe, shot selection, music choices, blah!!! I could ramble all day. Thanks again.


Thank you for this context. I try to find character analysis that offers different perspectives, because Sara frustrates me so much. I want to empathize, but man. Screwing over her brother aside, I hated how she treated Felice after Felice stopped being a mean girl to her.

Morgan Arguello

I've watched so many shows, and I will swear until the cows come home that Omar and Edvin (Simon and Wilhelm) have the best chemistry of any couple I've seen. It's literal magnetism, and I am here for it!