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Here's a little treat for you to celebrate the end of Pride Month. <3



Macey Weintzweig

The look of utter pain on your face with the first time was honestly hilarious. Any girl who has had a dude accidentally slip into… yeah… knows that pain!

Dennis Verner

A truly great movie but I'm not sure treat is the correct word.

Cristian V.

😥, have me in tears again Niall. 💗

B. Kelly

Oh man this movie gets me every single time!! It really felt like we were watching it together tho, glad I wasn't crying by myself 🩷


oh lord. Im gonna need some wine for this one. I could use a good cry though.

niall no chill

It’s my 2nd and probably last time I’ll ever watch it 😭😂 glad I was your partner on your rewatch 🤠

Nikki Sonrisa

one of my favorite tidbits about this film that also makes me so emotional is that when Ennis first finds their bloody shirts from that last day on Brokeback, Jack's shirt is over Ennis' shirt as if he's protecting Ennis and keeping him safe. at the end when you see the shirts again, Ennis' shirt is now over Jack's shirt and now it's Ennis' turn to keep Jack safe (his memory, at least). true, Ennis is a man of few words but he feels so deeply for the things and the people that matter to him. thanks for this amazing reaction Niall and for allowing us to cry along with you <3

Adam Coverdale

ohhh man. this one's gonna make me sad. i'm so excited.

niall no chill

i didn't even notice that and now that you've pointed it out, it makes me want to cry all over again :( what a bittersweet moment, god, they deserved better <3

Daniel Rotello

I wasted my life hiding too. I didn't come out until I was 47 and it was much too late for a happy life.


Ennis's emotional collapse (at 1:51 here) might be one of the saddest bits of film ever made. I didn't cry in the theater in 2005 -- though we were almost alone -- but every subsequent time I was a basket case, and had almost no tears left for the moment in Jack's room with the jacket, or the final scene. It's ridiculous that Ledger didn't take the Oscar for this role. Your remark at the end, re denying oneself a well-lived life, hits hard. Wish I could give you a long silent hug.


When will you continue watching Young Royals 😀👑💙⚜️?