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I'm going to get a restraining order against August... LEAVE US ALONE!!




Probably most viewers get choked up at the football field scene, and the reason might not be obvious to some at first. Everyone around Wilhelm is either insincere, clueless, or evil. But Simon, at least at this point, is a source of stability and affection -- and arguably the only such source that actually delivers. The fact that Simon comes to rescue the tormented Wilhelm, when everyone else is being unhelpful or shitty, sends his heart soaring. And sets our tearducts flowing.

R de Vries

As far as Wilhelm and Simon and potential heirs to the throne goes, I'll admit I'm not sure how things work in Sweden (or the British Royal family, for that matter), but here in the Netherlands there wouldn't really be a problem. The only requirement for heirs to the throne around here, is for the heir to be the eldest legitimate child of the current king or queen. Adopted kids, or children that are the result of surrogacy, are by law considered to be fully legitimate children. So, any such child (provided they're the eldest) would be the legitimate heir to the throne. Even if they don't actually have a single drop of royal blood in them.


The Swedish Royal court acually went out with a statement after Young Royals got big here in Sweden, saying that they would not have a problem if a Crownprince of Sweden was gay. The same rules would apply to adopted children as for children from the bloodline. 💙💛⚜️👑