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THE INITIATION??? Hellllllll nawwwww, I'd have them JAILED!



Elisa H.

Hey my dude, are you going to do all of young royals or are you going to mix movies or anything else?

Alex Poling

I'm so excited to see you watch more of Young Royals!! For the music, the full playlist is on Spotify and it is fantastic. Edit: I see you discovered it at the end lmao

Elisa H.

Awesome. I don't watch young royals so won't be watching those but luv ya anyway 😚

Dennis Verner

Strongly recommend you watch it in Swedish with subtitles. Most of the cast did their own English dubbing but the emotion comes through much better in their native language.


Technically Wilhelm is the only real royal at the school. But there are a few nobel students there, too including his second cousin August…Felice is not a royal but her family is very rich and probably has a lot of influence around Sweden. I’m so excited that you give YR a try. Next to Heartstopper it’s my favorite tv show of all time 💜

Dennis Verner

Whatever works best for you. But most of the folks that have reacted to YR on Patreon or for that matter YouTube have used the Swedish audio.

Ingrid Machado Pena

Hi! I am new here. And I'm here because of YR. ❤ Young Royals fans are totally cool with the original language. It does make a big difference! You should give it a try! 😊

R de Vries

Well, the Patreon subscription finally went through, so I guess I will be watching these episodes here, instead of on YouTube. Glad to see you'll be watching the rest of the show in the original Swedish too, since as mentioned, it really does elevate the show to a higher level.

Jennifer Carrigg

Seriously thought about Wild Child react though?? I’m down!

Myranda Morneault

couldn’t bring myself to watch this alone so i’m gonna watch it with you lol

Morgan Arguello

Your reactions in this one had me ROLLING! Adorable :-P


So the reason they are acting so weird about alcohol is because there's only one place that sells alcohol in Sweden and it's called "Systembolaget" and basically they're very strict with only selling to people over the age of 21. So it's not easy to come by unless an adult buys for minors. At least compared to many other countries where they sell in grocery stores and don't check ID.


raction to wildchild would be so good thats such a british classic