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Nick is starting to realise his sexuality and I couldn't be more proud <3



B. Kelly

This was posted a while ago so my comment will most likely go unnoticed but, I just wanted to say how much Nick's representation and experience as a bisexual person means to me as a bi person. I often feel out of place, with both straight people and withing the lgbtqa community— like I'm an outside, like I'm not part of it and my journey is not as valid as someone that is lesbian or gay. Heartstopper really gave me some sort of validation in my bisexuality

Morgan Arguello

You're the first person I've seen who's been able to put into words the way I feel when I watch this show. The comment about feeling like you've had an energy drink is spot on. There's this huge urge to protect these babies and their love. Ahhh so good! <3

Alyssa Marie

The comment about Harry being like Sid is crazy!! But if I’m being honest I see it!