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WE ARE BACK! And yes, I have watched the finale, check back next week to see it. Damn, this episode was so good and it's setting up the stage for what looks like to be a fun and explosive finale. I'm so happy I finally watched this, I forget how good this show is!! But seriously... I need Azi and Crowley to just KISS!!!



Renate Venema

Nooooo!!! Not you posting right when I have to go to bed😭😭 now I have to wait until after work tomorrow, knowing this is gonna be sooo good😫

Renate Venema

Absolutely loved the reaction as always. I actually never noticed the tardis sound before. Can't wait for next week. Also just 2 fun facts, when crowley was talking about gabriel telling azi to 'just shut up and die', he was referring to last season when they swapped bodies and they were trying to destroy him by means of hellfire. And when the angels were confused about 'the assistant', yes you're right, angels are dumb, but this was actually the miracle preventing from noticing/remembering him.

Elisa H.

Actually *pushes up glasses* David tenant did wear a fez in the 50th anniversary special for the lolz