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Things are heating up but at least there's still some happiness. I have no clue what's going to happen with the Queen... I fear she is going to d*e!! KING WILLE HERE WE COMEEEE!




This show!! I know they’re kids but they’re also fictional characters so I feel okay to say most of them suck. Like throw the whole school away. Piss poor kids who grow up to be piss poor (fictional) adults. Throw it all away. Save Maddie and Felice ofc. And the cutie in ep1 in the cream sweater checking out Wilmon kissing in the hallway. 😂 thanks for pausing when you want to get your thoughts out! I like what you have to say and want to hear it. 💜

Louise Poole 🍂

I know you're not a huge fan of us 'straights' 😂 but from this cis straight 33 year old woman, bloody love you and your reactions ❤️