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EDIT:  I posted this earlier but deleted it, because the link wasn't working.    ROUND 2:


It's happening.   

The SKIRMISH Kickstarter is slated to launch in 1-2 weeks.  Possibly less if editing the video goes fast.  

Above is a link to a *text only* early draft of the campaign.   Some things may change.  (And we'll add a barrel of pretty pictures, obviously.) 

But this is close to, if not precisely, what to expect in terms of reward tiers and stretch goals.  

You're the Patrons, so you get the earliest access to this.    We'll also keep you updated with insider info on when the campaign launches- because the top two tiers only have 4 slots each.   


Log in - Kickstarter



That's pretty ambitious, i hope you'll have the level of support you got with V4 and more. I also hope you'll obliterate those stretch goals. Go for it!


This looks fantastic, lets smash those goals!