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We made it!  Another Lilith & Namah Prelude story arc is now COMPLETE.  

All the way from Namah's depression, through her entertainment-indulgence, Rick Zinger bliss, the Boore obsession inception, Lilith's time with conspiracy-mongering Kalei and Jeneviv, through to the one-on-one showdown with Tinsel.  Whew!

With this arc done  (and the next already in the works) we're announcing an update to our comic posting schedule:


Instead of posting a Prelude comic every other week, we will post a Prelude comic *or* a Volume 6 behind-the-scenes / concept art update.

We want to get Volume 6 moving faster. 

Normally we can dual-wield graphic novel and Prelude at the same time, but Skirmish game animation has us spread thin.

The MASTER PLAN is for Skirmish to rock it out on Steam, so we can connect to more readers, and beef up the art team so we can move faster than ever on comics & more animation.  

Frame by frame and comic by comic, Liz & I are working towards that goal!  Excited to start sharing more GNS content here.



Death of Ink

This has been an exciting arc! Looking forward to eventually seeing what comes next for the girls young life. But for now, time to see what life is like for the orphans these days... Getting some V6 details once a week would be a cool change of pace!


Happy to see that this arc ended on a good note for the sisters after all they have been through (so far anyway). I'm looking forward to seeing how Mace, Vanth, Vi, and the others are doing. I'm still excited for V6 of Dreamkeepers as well.