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Here's a little pic of that animation Dave's doing for the Skirmish video!



Garrett Simpson

That is a very lovely color palette! I adore it!

Shannon TJ

This style of art is my favorite of yours, on account of the very strong/prominent line art.

Benjamin Varner

Ooh! This looks much more amazing now that the colors, background, and lighting shading are added. Hype for animation has reached critical levels!!


This is going to be epic!

Lord Kiyo

Its almost like you should work for Disney or something. This is so much much better than any of the cartoons that are out today.

Garrett Simpson

It's been interesting seeing him branch into digital line art on occasion so adeptly!

Shannon TJ

It's not digital, I'm pretty sure. He just treats the lines differently. He mentioned it previously as putting them on an "alpha channel".