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What should we draw for May's Sketch of the Month?  Share your idea!  Tonight me 'n Liz will pop into the Dreamkord to pick our favorite prompts for a vote.  

(Leave ideas in the "SKOM-and-Artifacts" room, in the 'Chit Chat and Fun' category.)



I like to see the siblings together in one art piece like the Indigo twins or Litith and Namah, especially the ones that seem like they are siblings but not related to each other like Mace, Paige and Whip, etc. If you just get all of them on one art piece, that will be awesome!


Always a fan of the "what if" futures, if the characters had a different turn of luck or made slightly different decisions. For example: What if Vanth had parted ways with her rebellious side, actually listened to Harmony and her parents; I somehow see her becoming a professional singer of similar fame to Idina Menzel, Harmony supporting her from the wings as her manager or best friend. What if Paige had lived to adulthood, gotten out of the orphanage and made something of herself? What if Scinter hadn't encountered the Mokoi in the way that he did (or that one guy was far less clumsy with the trip wire) What if Fae had lived long enough for her and Igrath to have a family together, meaning we'd have age-appropriate cousins for Namah and Lilith? etc.

Daniel Oehm

Tinsel and Ravat when they were kids.