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Ms. Muliebral gets a warm reception for her new employee uniform.  Her and Damon hatch a plot while Namah gets surprised with impending Tinsel glory- the latest Prelude update.

May excess sherbert save us all.



Eric Ruskoski

Excess sugar rush! Uh oh!

Death of Ink

The amount of rubbish the lady has to put up with. She has been given sugar, now we wait for the chaos to unfold..


Reminds me of a Maroon 5 tune, "Sugar, yes, please. Won't you come and put it down on me. I'm right here 'cause I need Little love, a little sympathy." https://genius.com/Maroon-5-sugar-lyrics. I particularly like the rendition where the Indigo twins are singing this in Spanish to Igrath. Sorry, don't have a link for that.